Parshas Vayikra

Short divrei Torah – Vayikra – 5767

Short divrei Torah – Vayikra 5768

What did Moshe bring to the Mishkan? Also, what is the point of each of the korbanos? – Vayikra 5769

Small Alef, we get the secrets of the Torah, the lessons of Vayikra (3 stories) and “mikem” – Vayikra 5770

To be called and prepared; if you had listened, you would have heard it, korbanos of a goy and a jew – Vayikra 5771

Intoduction to Vayikra, why we should know about korbanos, and Moshe’s nevuah … Vayikra 5772

Vayikra wihtout the alef, Moshe’s humility, and the bnai Aharon … Vayikra5773

Salting our korbanos … Vayikra5774

The small Alef … Vayikra5775

The Nassi is prone to sin – Vayikra5776

Fighting the yeitzer hara and the North – Vayikra5777

A “sweet savory smell” for Hashem – Vayikra5778

Lying is a terrible thing – Vayikra5779

Birds of a feather get brought together – Vayikra5780

Vayikra 5781: The Soul Behind it All
Vayikra 5782: It doesn’t have to be a big gift