Parshas Pekudei

Numbers of the Bais Hamikdash and 1775 shekel kesef … Pekudei 5768

Making the mishkan or the keilim first … Vayakhel-Pekudei 5769

How repeating everything is a form of hischadshus … Vayakhel-Pekudei 5770

The remez of the mishkan and the difference between a Mishkan and the Bais Hamikdash … Pekudei 5771

Was there enough donations? The Bais Medrash was added to it, and Moshe’s bracha when they finished … VayakhelPekudei 5772

Moshvosaichem and bracha falling on something that is counted … Vayakhel-Pekudei5773

Moshe’s bracha to klal yisroel … Pekudei5774

All about the gold – Pekudei5776

The mistake of the Nesi’im – VayakhelPekudei5777

The Glory of Hashem hidden in a cloud – Pekudei5779

Moshe’s Tremendous Bracha – VayakhelPekudei5780

Pekudei 5781: Rebbe Akiva will save us all!
Pekudei 5782: A Miracle Mishkan