Parshas Vaera

All the makkos … Vaeira – 5767

The “Avos” and names of Hashem … Vaera 5768

They cried out and the staff turning into a snake … Vaera 5769

“I am Hashem” and the hail Vaera 5770

The difference between the Names of Hashem … Vaera1 5771 and Vaera2 5771

The sefarim they had and what happened to magic … Vaera 5772

The level of “koh” and hail again … Vaera5773

All about the Blood … Vaera5774

All about the Frogs … Vaera5775

All about the Lice … Vaera5776

The wild animals of Arov and the land they were on – Vaera5777

The “plague” to end all plagues – Vaera5778

Double Double Boil and Trouble – Vaera5779

Hail to the Chief Above! – Vaera5780

Vaera 5781 – Where did Moshe come from?
Vaera 5782 – Even an 80 year old can do it!

Parshas Shemos

Short divrei Torah … Shemos – 5767

Short divrei Torah … Shemos 5768

Moshe Rabbeinu being pulled out from the tumah of the world … Shemos 5769

The 49th level and feeling stuck; the staff/snake … Shemos 5770

Three midrashim about Moshe Rabbeinu and how to understand them … Shemos 5771

Moshe’s job to stay away from gashmiyus; Tzipporah’s only words in the Chumash … Shemos 5772

Lack of Hakaras Hatov by Paroh; Moshe being born three months early … Shemos5773

Taking his shoes off … Shemos5774

The burning bush … Shemos5775

Shifra and Puah … Shemos5776

How did Moshe get out of Egypt? And why did Paroh try to kill him? – Shemos5777

The Name that Kills – Shemos5778

Why would Moshe want a Snaky staff? – Shemos5779

Hiding in plain sight – Moshe’s little boat – Shemos5780

Shemos 5781 – Death at an Inn
Shemos 5781 – Short Divrei Torah
Shemos 5781 – A Geulah with Moshe and a Geulah without
Shemos 5782 – Talk Softly and Carry a Big Staff

Daf Yomi: Megillah

Megillah daf 2
Megillah daf 3
Megillah daf 4
Megillah daf 5
Megillah daf 6
Megillah daf 7
Megillah daf 8
Megillah daf 9
Megillah daf 10
Megillah daf 11
Megillah daf 12
Megillah daf 13
Megillah daf 14
Megillah daf 15
Megillah daf 16
Megillah daf 17
Megillah daf 18
Megillah daf 19
Megillah daf 20
Megillah daf 21
Megillah daf 22
Megillah daf 23
Megillah daf 24
Megillah daf 25
Megillah daf 26
Megillah daf 27
Megillah daf 28
Megillah daf 29
Megillah daf 30
Megillah daf 31
Megillah daf 32

Parshas Vayechi

Short divrei Torah … Vayechi – 5767

Short divrei Torah… Vayechi 5768

Yaakov’s last words, the curses of the Pharaohs, Menashe and Efraim – Vayechi 5769

The Kisei Hakavod that Yaakov represented and his brachos – Vayechi 5770

Efraim before Menashe and Asher and his daughters – Vayechi 5771

The mummification process of Yaakov Avinu … WasYaakovamummy (5772)

Yaakov died and their eyes closed; Shimon and Levi … Vayechi5773

Revealing the “end of times” to the shevatim … Vayechi5774

Yissachar is called a donkey … Vayechi5775

Reuven’s bracha … Vayechi5776

The anger of Shimon and Levi – Vayechi5777

Shimshon’s power – the real power of Dan – Vayechi5778

Burial in Israel – or what reason? – Vayechi5779

Vayechi 5780 – Who is afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?
Vayechi 5781 – A Full Forgiveness
Vayechi 5782: An Eye Popping Event

Parshas Vayigash

Short divrei Torah… Vayigash – 5767

Short divrei Torah… Vayigash 5768

Yehuda’s promise and why Yaakov listened, and why say Krias Shema now – Vayigash 5769

The kedusha of Yosef Hatzadik – Vayigash 5770

Yosef’s plan of building achdus and Serach bas Asher – Vayigash 5771

Rahav (malach of Egypt), the chains of Yaakov, Shema of Yaakov, and Yosef’s dreams – Vayigash 5772

The point of Yehuda’s speech;Yaakov thought Yosef went crazy; Crying on shoulders… Vayigash5773

Serach bas Asher and the 70 people that went down … Vayigash5774

Yosef’s gift of clothing to Binyomin … Vayigash5775

How old was Yaakov Avinu? … Vayigash5776

The crazy Midrashim at the beginning of the parsha – explained! – Vayigash5777

Why would Yehuda become the Rosh Hayeshiva?? – Vayigash5778

Yaakov got his ruach hakodesh back – Vayigash5779

Why is Yaakov still alive? – Vayigash5780

Vayigash 5781 – Home Sweet Goshen
Vayigash 5781-1 – Yaakov Lives On
Vayigash 5782 – Shaul ben HaCaananis