Parshas Tetzaveh

Moshe’s neshama and the stones of the choshen … Tetzaveh – 5767

Moshe’s neshama, the Urim V’tumim, and the Tzitz Hakodesh … Tetzaveh 5768

Moshe missing, clothes, the Ner Maaravi (and Chanuka)… Tetzaveh 5769

Shemen zayis and “owning” ourselves … Tetzaveh 5770

“Kosis lamaor” and the Choshen and its letters… Tetzaveh 5771

Moshe’s holy neshama and the Aron/Menorah (Torah) … Tetzaveh 5772

The word Tetzaveh and why donations were needed … Tetzaveh5773

How to use the Urim V’Tumim … Tetzaveh5774

The holy Tzitz Hakodesh … Tetzaveh5775

The Me’il – Tetzaveh5776

The Mizbeiach Haketores- what is it doing here? – Tetzaveh5777

The Awesome Ephod – Tetzaveh5778

Can Rashi and Rambam argue on Tannaim? The Avnei Ephod and who was written on them – Tetzaveh5779

The Most Amazing Stones – Tetzaveh5780

Parshas Tetzaveh 5781: An ear, a thumb, and a big toe
Parshas Tetzaveh 5782: Covering up
Parshas Tetzaveh 5783: The Light from Within
Addendum to Parshas Tetzaveh 5783