Parshas Matos Masai

Short Divrei Torah – Mattos Massai – 5767

Short divrei Torah – Matos 5768

Short divrei Torah – Massei 5768

The heads of mattos and the war against Midyan – Matos-Masei 5769

The purpose of making nedarim and the power of our words – Matos-Masei 5770

The thousands that went to war and Moshe’s anger – Mattos 5771

Why we need the Masaos here – Massai 5771

Kedushas Levi on nedarim and Gad before Reuven – Matos-Masai5772

These two parshios are together and watching your mouth – MattosMassai5773

The death of Bilaam … Matos5774

Traveling through the desert … Masai5774

Moshe died after fighting Midyan … MattosMasai5775

The sheep of Gad and Reuven – MattosMassai5776

Pinchas goes to war – why him?? – MattosMasai5777

42 and 6 – Krias Shema and the cities of refuge – Masai5778

Divding up the land is never easy – MattosMasai5779

Mattos 5780 – Spoils of War
Mattos 5781 – Righteous Anger
Masai 5782 – Rosh Chodesh Av – A Time to Cry
Masai 5783 – A Huge Camp of Land