Parshas Ki Sissa

Betzalel and what really happened at the Aigel … Ki Sisa – 5767

The half shekel and the secrets of the Aigel … Ki Sisa 5768

How bad the sin of the golden calf was … Ki Sisa 5769

Doing an avairah lishma and the dances were the worst part … Kisisa 5770

No malach hamaves, how could they kill Chur? Also, the point of the second luchos … KiSisa 5771

Rehashing the Aigel Hazahav … KiSissa 5772

“Zeh” and the Sattan darkening the world with Moshe’s death … KiSissa5773

Moshe’s mask … KiSissa5774

Yehoshua and Moshe argue what they heard in the camp … KiSissa5775

Seeing Hashem’s “Face” – KiSissa5776

Erasing Moshe from the sefer – KiSissa5777

Why would Moshe break the Luchos (what was the point?) – KiSisa5778

Lords of the Earrings – KiSissa5779

Brother Killers – How is this a good thing? – KiSissa5780

Ki Sissa 5781 – The Mysterious Betzalel
Ki Sissa 5782 – A Protective Hand
Ki Sissa 5783 – A Tent away from Home