Parshas Chayei Sara

Small divrei Torah … Chayei Sarah – 5767

Small divrei Torah… Chayei Sara 5768

Bnei Ches and Eliezer’s test … Chayei Sara 5769

The gifts of the other six children … Chayei Sara 5770

“Kesef Malei” of Efron … ChayeiSarah 5771

Pachad Yitzchak and the 6 children of Keturah … ChayeiSara 5772

127 countries for 127 years of Sarah … ChayeiSara5773

Eliezer and his nichush … ChayeiSarah5774

The daughter of Avraham Avinu … ChayeiSara5775

Keturah (who was she?) … ChayeiSarah5776

Efron and the 400 shekel kesef – chayeisara5777

Who was Lavan? What’s with that guy? – ChayeiSara5778

To cry or not to cry – that is the question – ChayeiSara5779

Field of davening Dreams – ChayeiSara5780

Chayei Sarah 5781 – The Enigma of Yishmael
Chayei Sarah 5781 – Is this a Nisayon?
Chayei Sarah 5782: Speaking before Eating
Chayei Sarah 5783: Gifts to be Named Later