Parshas Bo

Short divrei Torah … Bo – 5767

Short divrei Torah … Bo 5768

Many divrei Torah … Bo 5769

More divrei Torah … Bo 5770

“Coming to Paroh” and Tefillin … Bo-Skokie – 5770

Locusts and darkness and Moshe’s only fear … Bo 5771

4/5 of them died (what does that mean?) … Bo 5772

Lots of divrei torah put together … Bo5773

Who killed the first born – Hashem or the malach? … Bo5774

430 years in Egypt (How could they have been there so long?) … Bo5775

The crazy Locusts (how bad could that be?) … Bo5776

Darkness surrounded them – Bo5777

The Dogs would not Bark – Bo5778

The gods of Egypt – Ra and ??? – Bo5779

A Holiday to Remember – Bo5780

Bo 5781: Facing Your Enemy
Bo 5782: Midnight Express
Bo 5783: Erev Rav join the Nation

Parshas Vaera

All the makkos … Vaeira – 5767

The “Avos” and names of Hashem … Vaera 5768

They cried out and the staff turning into a snake … Vaera 5769

“I am Hashem” and the hail Vaera 5770

The difference between the Names of Hashem … Vaera1 5771 and Vaera2 5771

The sefarim they had and what happened to magic … Vaera 5772

The level of “koh” and hail again … Vaera5773

All about the Blood … Vaera5774

All about the Frogs … Vaera5775

All about the Lice … Vaera5776

The wild animals of Arov and the land they were on – Vaera5777

The “plague” to end all plagues – Vaera5778

Double Double Boil and Trouble – Vaera5779

Hail to the Chief Above! – Vaera5780

Vaera 5781 – Where did Moshe come from?
Vaera 5782 – Even an 80 year old can do it!

Vaera 5783: Amram’s Long Life

Parshas Shemos

Short divrei Torah … Shemos – 5767

Short divrei Torah … Shemos 5768

Moshe Rabbeinu being pulled out from the tumah of the world … Shemos 5769

The 49th level and feeling stuck; the staff/snake … Shemos 5770

Three midrashim about Moshe Rabbeinu and how to understand them … Shemos 5771

Moshe’s job to stay away from gashmiyus; Tzipporah’s only words in the Chumash … Shemos 5772

Lack of Hakaras Hatov by Paroh; Moshe being born three months early … Shemos5773

Taking his shoes off … Shemos5774

The burning bush … Shemos5775

Shifra and Puah … Shemos5776

How did Moshe get out of Egypt? And why did Paroh try to kill him? – Shemos5777

The Name that Kills – Shemos5778

Why would Moshe want a Snaky staff? – Shemos5779

Hiding in plain sight – Moshe’s little boat – Shemos5780

Shemos 5781 – Death at an Inn
Shemos 5781 – Short Divrei Torah
Shemos 5781 – A Geulah with Moshe and a Geulah Without
Shemos 5782 – Talk Softly and Carry a Big Staff
Shemos 5783 – The Fight at the Well

Parshas Vayechi

Short divrei Torah … Vayechi – 5767

Short divrei Torah… Vayechi 5768

Yaakov’s last words, the curses of the Pharaohs, Menashe and Efraim – Vayechi 5769

The Kisei Hakavod that Yaakov represented and his brachos – Vayechi 5770

Efraim before Menashe and Asher and his daughters – Vayechi 5771

The mummification process of Yaakov Avinu … WasYaakovamummy (5772)

Yaakov died and their eyes closed; Shimon and Levi … Vayechi5773

Revealing the “end of times” to the shevatim … Vayechi5774

Yissachar is called a donkey … Vayechi5775

Reuven’s bracha … Vayechi5776

The anger of Shimon and Levi – Vayechi5777

Shimshon’s power – the real power of Dan – Vayechi5778

Burial in Israel – or what reason? – Vayechi5779

Vayechi 5780 – Who is afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?
Vayechi 5781: A Full Forgiveness
Vayechi 5782: An Eye Popping Event
Vayechi 5783: Bramble Barn

Parshas Vayigash

Short divrei Torah… Vayigash – 5767

Short divrei Torah… Vayigash 5768

Yehuda’s promise and why Yaakov listened, and why say Krias Shema now – Vayigash 5769

The kedusha of Yosef Hatzadik – Vayigash 5770

Yosef’s plan of building achdus and Serach bas Asher – Vayigash 5771

Rahav (malach of Egypt), the chains of Yaakov, Shema of Yaakov, and Yosef’s dreams – Vayigash 5772

The point of Yehuda’s speech;Yaakov thought Yosef went crazy; Crying on shoulders… Vayigash5773

Serach bas Asher and the 70 people that went down … Vayigash5774

Yosef’s gift of clothing to Binyomin … Vayigash5775

How old was Yaakov Avinu? … Vayigash5776

The crazy Midrashim at the beginning of the parsha – explained! – Vayigash5777

Why would Yehuda become the Rosh Hayeshiva?? – Vayigash5778

Yaakov got his ruach hakodesh back – Vayigash5779

Vayigash 5781 – Home Sweet Goshen
Vayigash 5781 – Yaakov Lives On
Vayigash 5782 – Shaul ben HaCanaanis
Vayigash 5783 – It’s a Wonderful Language

Parshas Mikeitz

Short divrei Torah … Miketz – 5767

Short divrei Torah … Mikeitz 5768

Rav Shwab on Paroh’s dream and Yosef’s plan – Mikeitz 5769

Bitachon of Yosef, the Chartumim’s mistake, Binyomin replacing Yosef – Mikeitz 5770

Light in the darkness – Mikeitz and Chanuka – Mikeitz 5771

Paroh’s dreams and his trust in Yosef – Mikeitz 5772

The Butler and everything else there … Mikeitz5773

The Chartumim translate the dream … Mikeitz5774

Reuven wanted to kill his two kids … Mikeitz5775

Tzafnais Paneiach … Mikeitz5776

How did the shevatim not recognize Yosef? – Mikeitz5777

Menashe and Ephraim – why these names? Forgetting your past… – Mikeitz5778

A tragedy, the travelers, and the one in charge – Mikeitz5779

“I had a dream” says the Butler – Mikeitz5780

Mikeitz 5781 – Sitting All By Himself
Mikeitz 5782 – Do you Believe in Magical Cups?
Mikeitz 5783 – Egyptian Circumcision

Parshas Vayeshev

Short Divrei Torah … Vayeshev – 5767

Short divrei Torah … Vayeshev 5768

The power of clothing and Aishes Potifar … Vayeshev 5769

How to stop taavah and the kedusha in your eye … Vayeshev 5770

Lashon Hara, Yehuda and Tamar, Aishes Potifar … Vayeshev 5771

Dreams of Yaakov and Yosef, and his tzidkus … Vayeishev 5772a and Vayeishev 5772b

Yosef’s leadership; Yibum in the days of Yehuda and Tamar … Vayeshev5773

The baker and the butler … Vayeshev5774

The Kesones Pasim … Vayeshev5775

The pit was empty, but there were snakes in it … Vayeshev5776

Chira, Shua, and his daughter the “Canaanis” – vayeshev5777

Why would you dip a shirt into blood? – Vayeshev5778

The Ring, the Shirt, and the Staff – Vayeshev5779

The Face of Yaakov – Vayeshev5780

Vayeshev 5781 – An Innocent Man
Vayeshev 5781 – 1
Vayeshev 5782 – Happy Birthday Paroh!
Vayeshev 5783: A Burning for the Ages

Parshas Vayishlach

Short divrei Torah … Vayishlach – 5767

Short divrei Torah …  Vayishlach 5768

Yaakov Avinu and Rebbe Akiva … Vayishlach 5769

The angels that were sent … Vayishlach 5770

Nature and the supernatural and the gid hanashe … Vayishlach 5771

Shechem and Dinah … Vayishlach 5772

Reuven moving Bilha’s bed … Vayishlach5774

The malachim and Yaakov Avinu … Vayishlach5775

The Malach and the leg of Yaakov … Vayishlach5776

The shevatim had strange gods with them? – vayishlach5777

Why would you ask me for my name? The Malach and Yaakov – Vayishlach5778

Why do we care about the children of Eisav? – Vayishlach5779

Vayishlach 5780
Vayishlach 5781 – The Outgoing Personality of Dinah
Vayishlach 5781a – Seeing Beauty and not Losing Out
Vayishlach 5782: The River and The Box
Vayishlach 5783: Donkeys in the Desert

Parshas Vayetze

Short divrei Torah …  Vayetze – 5767

Short divrei Torah …  Vayetze 5768

Yaakov Avinu: the dream, Maariv, his power, and the plan with 2 wives … Vayetze 5769

The number 7 and all about the shepherds … Vayetze 5770

Kefitzus Haderech and the parsha of galus … Vayetze 5771

The mission of each Av and Yaakov in galus … Vayetze 5772

Yitzchak’s life and his bracha to Eisav … Vayetze5773

Why would he do seven years of work? … Vayetze5774

The malachim on the ladder … Vayetze5775

The Dudaim – Vayetze5776

Yaakov and the kiss of Rochel (first five minutes are missing…) – Vayetze5777 (here is the shiur in written form: vayetzeshiur5777

Yaakov giving mussar to the Shepherds – why? – Vayetze5778

Seven years of agony! – Vayetze5779

Seeing the Heavens from the Earth – Vayetze5780

Vayetze 5781 – Have you ever seen Angels Camping?
Vayetze 5781 – 1 — Making ??? into ?????
Vayetze 5782: Water Sheep!!
Parshas Vayetze: A Head Ahead (5783)

Parshas Toldos

Many smaller divrei Torah … Toldos 5768

What was Aisav really like? … Toldos 5769

Aisav’s problems… Toldos 5770

The bracha of veyitain lach and Aisav’s plans … Toldos 5771

The wells and what they mean …Toldos 5772

Yitzchak’s life and his mistake about Aisav … Toldos5773

How we know the brachos were given on Pesach … Toldos5774

What was Yitzchak Avinu thinking? … Toldos5775

Yaakov was cooking and Eisav was exhausted … Toldos5776

Why Eisav was told to hunt – toldos5777

What was the plan here for Yaakov to get the brachos? – Toldos5778

Rivka thought they would die on the same day – Toldos5779

The Sister Act – Toldos5780

Toldos 5781 – A Stew for the Ages
Toldos 5781 – The Real Bracha of Yaakov Avinu
Toldos 5782 – Not Exactly a Woman of Valor
Toldos 5783 – Smelling Greatness