Parshas Eikev

“V’haya” and the word eikev, their clothes, and a portion in Torah … Eikev – 5767

Reward for mitzvos, to “afflict us”, and shiurim of the Torah … Eikev 5768

The word “eikev” and what G-d wants from us … Eikev 5769

No giving up, the intention behind the mitzvah, and Hashem’s guarantee … Eikev 5770

The second luchos and the second Aron … Eikev 5771

When was Moshe told to make this Aron Kodesh? … Eikev5772

Manna and Bread, the death of Aharon and breaking the Luchos, and writing a song … Eikev5773

The magical clothes of the Midbar … Eikev5774

How to have yiras Hashem – 100 brachos a day … Eikev5775

What’s so special about Eretz Yisroel? – Eikev5776

Longer days and longer years – Eikev5777

40 days of tefilla – Eikev5778

Civil War: the worst thing that could have happened – Eikev5779

Eikev 5780 – A New Luchos and a New Aron
Eikev 5781 – The Nations Among Us
Eikev 5782 – A Test we Must Pass!
Eikev 5783: The Problem with Dasan and Aviram

Parshas Vaeschanan

515 and the word “Rav” … Vaeschanan – 5767

How Moshe wanted to get in, and our wisdom by learning Torah … Vaeschanan 5768

“Ba’eis hahi” and watching your health … Vaeschanan 5770

The cities of refuge … Vaeschanan 5771

Moshe’s tefilla and not being able to hear Hashem telling them the Aseres Hadibros … Vaeschanan5772

Adding and taking away mitzvos and using all your money for Hashem, plus the famous Rebbe Akiva drasha … Vaeschanan5773

It’s too much for you Moshe! … Vaeschanan5774

What’s the “laimor”? … Vaeschanan5775

Keeping yourself healthy – Vaeschanan5776

Are you allowed to daven to the Angels? – Vaeschanan5777

Real Facetime with Hashem – Vaeschanan5778

Are you allowed to forget the Torah? – Vaeschanan5779

Vaeschanan 5780 – Don’t Become Old in Your Avodah!
Vaeschanan 5781 – The Never Ending Voice
Vaeschanan 5782 – Why Hashem Loves Us
Vaeschanan 5783: The Voice that was Seen

Parshas Devarim

Ramazim within the first pasuk, “Larov” without a vav, and the age of 13 – Devarim 5756

Mussar as a remez, the names of the places they went, going to the North … Devarim – 5767

The seder of the sefarim, to “all” of the Jews, and the mountains … Devarim 5768

Sefer Devarim and why it’s different … Devarim 5769

The Aigel  was last, you can’t or you won’t, and the extra vav in Yehoshua’s name… Devarim 5770

Og Melech Habashan … Devarim 5771

Teaching them the methods, preparing them for the land, Mussar being given with hints … Devarim5772

Moshe’s worry in writing this sefer … Devarim5773

Why did Moshe die before entering the land… Devarim5774

Continuing last year and turning to the North away from Edom … Devarim5775

The land of Di Zahav – Devarim5776

Og vs. Moshe (or The Hulk vs. Antmen) – who wins the kedusha battle? – Devarim5777

What even Moshe Rabbeinu could not handle – Devarim5778

A revisionist history of the Meraglim – Devarim5779

Devarim 5780 – The Day the Sun Stood Still
Devarim 5781 – The Resposibility of Leadership
Devarim 5782 – The Small Defeat the Large
Devarim 5783: Fearsome Giants

Parshas Matos Masai

Short Divrei Torah – Mattos Massai – 5767

Short divrei Torah – Matos 5768

Short divrei Torah – Massei 5768

The heads of mattos and the war against Midyan – Matos-Masei 5769

The purpose of making nedarim and the power of our words – Matos-Masei 5770

The thousands that went to war and Moshe’s anger – Mattos 5771

Why we need the Masaos here – Massai 5771

Kedushas Levi on nedarim and Gad before Reuven – Matos-Masai5772

These two parshios are together and watching your mouth – MattosMassai5773

The death of Bilaam … Matos5774

Traveling through the desert … Masai5774

Moshe died after fighting Midyan … MattosMasai5775

The sheep of Gad and Reuven – MattosMassai5776

Pinchas goes to war – why him?? – MattosMasai5777

42 and 6 – Krias Shema and the cities of refuge – Masai5778

Divding up the land is never easy – MattosMasai5779

Mattos 5780 – Spoils of War
Mattos 5781 – Righteous Anger
Masai 5782 – Rosh Chodesh Av – A Time to Cry
Masai 5783 – A Huge Camp of Land

Parshas Pinchas

Kavah and Kubah, the 24,000 and the neshamos of Pinchas … Pinchas – 5767

Pinchas and his decision to be a Kanai … Pinchas 5768

A kohein that kills and the definition of mesiras nefesh … Pinchas 5769

Pinchas being rewarded, and what it means to become Eliyahu … Pinchas 5770

Tzlafchad and getting to the 50th level … Pinchas 5771

Eliyahu Hanavi and Pinchas … Pinchas5772

It’s a “din” that Pinchas should get his reward in this world … Pinchas5773

Appointing a new leader over the Jews … Pinchas5774

The broken vav in the word Shalom … Pinchas5775

What does Elokei Haruchos mean? – Pinchas5776

The 70 Bulls of the Nations – Pinchas5777

A special place in Gehinom for the sons of Korach – Pinchas5778

Who was Kozbi and Tzur? – Pinchas5779

Pinchas 5780: Family Matters
Pinchas 5781: Do we really know Zimri?
Pinchas 5781 Addition: Zimri’s death
Pinchas 5782: The Amazing Life of Serach bas Asher
Pinchas 5783: Yissachar or Yissaschar?

Parshas Balak

The reason for Parah Adumah, ,Miryam dying as a kaparah, the story of Og, Balak and Bilaam … Chukas-Balak 5756

Balak and Bilaam – who they were … Balak – 5767

Calling the parsha Balak, the “bird” of Balak, and “who will live from Shmuel” … Balak 5768

What does a kaparah mean? And what did Balak see that others didn’t see … Chukas-Balak 5769

Balak becoming King, and the curses/blessings of such a person… Balak 5770

Ignoring G-d’s signs (Donkeys talking) … Balak 5771

An ox licking up vegetables from the ground … Balak5772

Cursing instead of blessing, changing G-d’s mind, and a malach of Hashem that came to him … Balak5773

The magic they held in their “hands” … Balak5774

Baal Peor – what it all meant … Balak5775

The Donkey spoke – what was the point? – Balak5776

Magic has no affect on us!! – Balak5777

Bilaam’s vision of the future – Balak5778

Why would Bilaam want to bring Korbanos? Bilaam’s daas – Balak5779

Balak5780 – Who Can Live Through This??
Balak 5781 – The Land that Makes you Sin
Balak 5782 – Does G-d Really Change His Mind?

Parshas Chukas

A kaparah of the Parah Adumah and Miryam’s death, Og, and who were Balak and Bilaam … Chukas-Balak 5756

The real reason for the Parah Adumah, the reason for hitting the rock, and what happened in Edom … Chukas – 5767

What does a kaparah mean? And what did Balak see that others didn’t see … Chukas-Balak 5769

A chok, to act like you’re dead to the world to learn Torah, the miracle of the opposites, and the Nachash … Chukas 5770

Death by neshikah, and why we needed Mei Meirvah … Chukas 5771

The Netziv and Kedushas Levi on Mei Merivah … Chukas5772

To live for the Torah (and not to die), and using the word “morim” to describe the Jews … Chukas5773

Sending messages to Edom … Chukas5774

Why bring the staff to a water party? … Chukas5775

Isn’t a snake on a pole Avodah Zarah? – Chukas5776

You can’t get Amalek to change his spots… – Chukas5777

A river filled with blood and guts – Chukas5778

How anger can simply destroy you – Chukas5779

Chukas5780 – The Life of Sichon
Chukas 5781 – Spies that worked
Chukas 5782 – The life and times of Og
Chukas 5783: The Death of Miriam

Parshas Korach

Korach’s issues and his claims, where he came from, and why Yaakov wanted nothing to do with this … Korach – 5767

Moshe doesn’t daven for them here, and why Korach did what he did … Korach 5769

Why the Mezuzah? What will be with Korach in the future, and why Rebbe Akiva holds he’s gone forever … Korach 5770

Korach’s speech, what he could have been, his hypocrisy and his tikkun… Korach 5771

The differecnes between the two generations, and Korach’s denial of chesed to others … Korach5772

The depth of Korach, and a mashal to understand it all … Korach5773

Moshe fell on his face … Korach5774

The ground opened up… Korach5775

Aharon’s staff with flowers and almonds – Korach5776

Hashem wanted to destroy them in one moment – The G-d of all spirits – Korach5777

Dasan and Aviram – why they were so great and what took them down – Korach5778

How does Ketores stop a plague? – Korach5779

Korach 5780: To Die the Right Way
Korach 5781: This Staff is Forever
Korach 5782: Standing and Falling
Korach 5783: True Blindness

Parshas Shelach

Why Miryam had to die, where they traveled in Eretz Yisroel, and the grapevine … Shelach – 5767

The Rmaban, the shevatim help9ing them out thru gilgulim, and the Mapilim … Shelach 5768

Were they tzadikim or reshaim? … Shelach 5769

The yud for Yehoshua, bikurei Anavim, and using your yietzer hara for good … Shelach 5770

What the meraglim were thinking… Shelach 5771

The people weren’t ready for this, and the “tree” in Israel … Shelach5772

Davening for Yehoshua, 40 years for 40 days, and how they could mess up this badly … Shelach5773a and Shelach5773b

Kalev’s trip to Chevron … Shelach5774

The yud is added on to Yehoshua … Shelach5775

The Mekoshesh – Shelach5776a and Shelach5776b

GIANTS – are they really that big? – Shelach5777

The real Grapes of Wrath – Shelach5778

Why would you go in when G-d says no? – Shelach5779

Parshas Shelach 5780: The Real Kalev
Parshas Shelach 5781: Names of Power
Parshas Shelach 5782: Grapes to Go!
Parshas Shelach 5783: Tongues and Maggots

Parshas Behaaloscha

Small divrei Torah… Bha’aloscha6_15_06

Menorah. backwards Nun, Moshe’s problem wit hthe Jews, the Cushis Woman … Behaaloscha – 5767

How they could sin this badly and “Chinam” … Behaaloscha 5768

The future Chanuka and the 7 sifrei Torah … Behaaloscha 5769

Nachshon- his greatness and his fall, what the Jews thought, and the missing sefer … Behaaloscha 5770


Traveling throughout the land, the most humble of men and the trait of humility … Behaaloscha5773

The Manna – what it tasted like and why they complained about it … Behaaloscha5775 (mp4) and Behaaloscha5775 (mp3, missing last three minutes)

Isha Kushis – Behaaloscha5776

Eldad and Meidad – who in the world are they? – Behaaloscha5777

STOP COMPLAINING!!! – Behaaloscha5778

Why Yehoshua wanted them dead – Behaaloscha5779

Parshas Behaaloscha 5780: Looking back to go forward
Parshas Behaaloscha 5781: The Power of Five Words
Parshas Behaaloscha 5782: The Bald and The Beautiful
Parshas Behaaloscha 5783: You have to want it!