Parshas Chayei Sara

Small divrei Torah … Chayei Sarah – 5767

Small divrei Torah… Chayei Sara 5768

Bnei Ches and Eliezer’s test … Chayei Sara 5769

The gifts of the other six children … Chayei Sara 5770

“Kesef Malei” of Efron … ChayeiSarah 5771

Pachad Yitzchak and the 6 children of Keturah … ChayeiSara 5772

127 countries for 127 years of Sarah … ChayeiSara5773

Eliezer and his nichush … ChayeiSarah5774

The daughter of Avraham Avinu … ChayeiSara5775

Keturah (who was she?) … ChayeiSarah5776

Efron and the 400 shekel kesef – chayeisara5777

Who was Lavan? What’s with that guy? – ChayeiSara5778

To cry or not to cry – that is the question – ChayeiSara5779

Field of davening Dreams – ChayeiSara5780

Chayei Sarah 5781 – The Enigma of Yishmael
Chayei Sarah 5781 – Is this a Nisayon?
Chayei Sarah 5782: Speaking before Eating
Chayei Sarah 5783: Gifts to be Named Later

Parshas Vayeira

Small divrei Torah … Vayeira – 5767

Small divrei Torah … Vayeira 5768

Covering up Sedom from Avraham Avinu, but not from Lot! … Vayera 5769

The Angels visit Avraham … Vayeira 5770

Mamre’s greatness and Avraham’s chesed … Vayeira 5771

The world of Yitzchak Avinu… Vayeira 5772

Mamre’s advice and having guests .. Vayeira5773

Lot’s daughters … Vayeira5774

Sarah Imeinu laughed… Vayeira5775

Lot’s wife (Iris) … Vayeira5776

Yitzchak could have died at the Akeidah! – Vayeira5777

What did Yishmael do wrong?? – Vayeira5778

Avrhaam needs to know what is going on in the world! – Vayeira5779

Did they really think they were the last ones on earth? – Vayeira5780

Vayeira 5781 – The Blind and the Confused
Vayeira 5782: All for one Tzadik!
Vayeira 5783: Going Back to Your Place

Parshas Lech Lecha

Many divrei Torah … Lech Lecha – 5767

Many divrei Torah … Lech Lecha 5768

The nisayon and Avraham’s “selfishness” … Lech Lecha 5769

The galus of Avraham Avinu … Lech Lecha 5770

The nisayon of going, Sarah’s beauty, and Lot’s money issues… Lech Lecha 5771

All about Lot … LechLecha 5772

Many short divrei Torah … LechLecha5773

Who were the “nefesh asher asu b’charan” … LechLecha5774

Addendum: Nefesh asher asu (made in 5776)

Yishmael’s bracha … LechLecha5775

Avram and Sarai in Egypt … LechLecha5776

Eliezer and who he was (not the Og story) – LechLecha5777

Ur Kasdim – what really happened there? –  LechLecha5778

Four Kings vs. Five Kings – why would Avraham Avinu get involved? – LechLecha5779

What was the point of Hagar? – LechLecha5780

Lech Lecha 5781 – What’s in a Name?
Lech Lecha 5782: Laughing for Good!
Lech Lecha 5783: Sarai and Paroh – Hit for a Reason!

Parshas Noach

Short divrei Torah… Noach – 5767

Short divrei Torah … Noach 5768

Was Noach a tzadik? … Noach 5769

Being “tamim” and finding “chein” … Noach 5770

Creating a new world through the Taivah … Noach 5771

The lost animals of the Mabul, ravens, and and Nimrod’s life … Noach 5772

Noach’s lack of influence and how they exited the Taivah … Noach5773

Migdal Bavel … Noach5774

The Rainbow … Noach5775

Noach and his vineyard … Noach5776

The Window of the Taiva – Noach5777

The 14 (7? 16? 2?) Kosher Animals on the Taiva – Noach5778

That silly Raven and his problems – Noach5779

The size of the Taiva – and why that’s so important – Noach5780

The First King of the World – Noach 5781
Noach 5782: Meateaters
Noach 5783: A Father’s Death (5783)

Parshas Bereishis

Short divrei Torah … Breishis – 5767

Short divrei Torah … 102408(Bereishis) – 5768

Rav Shwab’s chiddush about Adam’s relationship with the animals … Breishis 5770

Making the right decisions, the purpose of the Sun, and the Pheonix … Breishis 5771

Adam and Chava, Kayin and Hevel … Breishis5773 and Breishis5773 and Breishis5773

Starting with a Bais, Adam vs. Moshe Rabbeiniu, and Kayin’s argument … Breishis5773

Chanoch’s short life … Breishis5774

Kayin’s sign … Breishis5775

Lemech and his wives … Breishis5776

What was the Tree of Life for? – Breishis5777

The Snake spoke what exactly? – Breishis5778

The crazy Livyasan and the world of Energy – Breishis5779

What’s Noach’s real name? – Breishis5780

Breishis 5781 – The Childen of gods
Breishis 5782 – Rivers of Eden
Breishis 5783: Yaval, Yuval, Tuval Kayin, and Naama

Daf Yomi: Nedarim

Nedarim daf 2
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Parshas Vzos Habracha

The other nations did not accept the Torah, Moshe’s greatness, and a crazy vort from the Chasam Sofer … Vezos Habrachah 5766

Lots of divrei Torah… Vezos Habrachah – 5768

Were we really asked to keep the Torah after everyone else? Why offer it to them at all? … Vzos 5770

The tumim and then the Urim and the clerest level of nevuah … HaazinuVzos 5771.mp3

Becoming a chassid, not knowing where Moshe is buried… VzosHabracha5773

Every word is a different mitzvah, and Moshe’s greatness … Vzos5774

Reuven’s tremendous bracha … Vzos5775

Yissachar and Zevulun … VzosHabracha5776

The Man of G-d – Vzos5777

Who wrote the last 8 pesukim of the Torah? – Vzos5778

Gad – the Man of War – VzosHabracha5779

What is it that Moshe Rabbeinu saw? – Vzos5780

Vzos5781 – Moshe Rabbeinu’s Superior Nevuah
Vzos5782 – Death of a Giant
Vzos5783 – Shevet Levi and Family Ties

Parshas Haazinu

Why this parsha is so important, “Haziv Lach”, and the Ramban’s talmid Avner … Haazinu 5766

Why we were 70 people, Avner again, the “meilah” of Moshe … Haazinu – 5769

Rain vs. dew, the perfection of Hashem’s judgment … HaazinuVzos 5771.mp3

We have to be in galus, rain and dew again (2 more), and “Ani Ani”… Haazinu – 5773

The Chofetz Chaim also needed a kapparah, the heavens and the earth testify, and some crazy stories … Haazinu5774

Bad things are because of Him? No! His children are nutty! – Haazinu5775

Everything the Rock does is Perfect!! – Haazinu5777

Hoshea is Yehoshua – what is happening here? – Haazinu5778

Demons Nowadays – Haazinu5779

G-d Stoppers? – Haazinu5780

Haazinu 5781 – The Hunger that Just Won’t Go Away
Haazinu 5781 – Short Divrei Torah
Haazinu 5782: The Lost Boys
Haazinu 5783: Blame Yourself, not the Torah

Parshas Netzavim Vayelech

Lots of short divrei Torah… Netzavim 5766

The order of who was there, lots of short divrei Torah … Netzavim-Vayelech – 5767

Lost Netzavim and Vayelech of 5768

Chassidishe Torah on the parsha … Netzavim-Vayelech 5769

Real teshuvah and “lo bashamayim hi” … Netz-Vayelech 5770

The “Shira” of sefer Devarim … Netzavim-Vayelech 5771

Many different Chasam Sofers… Netzavim5772

Moshe’s tefilla at the end, the level of Yehoshua … Vayeilech5773

Hashem wants us to be happy, mashal of the prince, the bad mashgiach, and other stories … NetzavimVayeilech5773

Wood choppers and water carriers … Netzavim5774

The large Lamed when they were thrown away … Netzavim5775

Where did Moshe go? … Vayelech5775

The Torah is not in the Heavens! – Netzavim5776

What would you do if you knew you were going to die? – Vayeilech5777

The famous story of the Ramban – is it real? – NetzavimVayelech5777

Becoming desensitized to life – Netavim5778

Techias Hameisim in the Torah – is that real? – Vayelech5779

Torah is life or death! And Tzoar – what happened there? – Netzavim5779

Will the real King please stand up? – Vayelech5780

Netzavim 5780 – Millah for the Heart
Netzavim 5781: Souls are Everywhere!
Vayelech 5782: The Torah is Put Away for Later
Netzavim 5782: The Torah Connection
Vayelech 5783: Toras Moshe!

Parshas Ki Savo

Bikkurim and Hagba … Ki Savo 5766

“Reishis” and the letter samech … Ki Savo – 5767

Making the fruit grow quickly, 70 languages, the curses and brachos on the mountains … Ki Savo 5768

Bikkurim and the only Kohein, why they wrote on top of stones … Ki Savo 5769

Bitachon and Simcha, feeling renewed, and Rosh Hashana… Kisavo 5770

Lavan vs. Yaakov, Arami Oveid Avi … Kisavo 5771

1/60, doing teshuvah, and some of the curses … KiSavo5772

Lavan and Yaakov, learning with and without a chavrusa, and each one of the 11 “curses” … KiSavo5773

The brachos will run to catch up with you … KiSavo5774

The Torah is written on the stones … KiSavo5775

The curse of not keeping the Torah and Hagba – KiSavo5776

Arami Oveid Avi! – KiSavo5777

When the other nations see us (And our tefillin) – KiSavo5778

The 40 year old who can understand anything and everything – KiSavo5779

Ki Savo 5780 – We want shefa now!!
Ki Savo 5781: Going Crazy
Ki Savo 5782: The Private Idol Industry