Pesach 5784

Shfoch Chamascha and Eliyahu Hanavi – PlayPesach5773

How do we know the brachos were given on pesach? – PlayToldos5774

The greatest divrei Torah you will ever hear about Lavan – PlayKisavo 5771

All about Nirtzah – PlayPesach – Nirtzah

Rebbe Yehuda’s simanim – PlayPesach5777

Arami Oveid Avi! – PlayKiSavo5777

A shiur on different ideas from the Chasam Sofer – PlayChasamSoferHaggada5778

Echad Mi Yodea (why are we singing a kids’ song) – PlayEchadMiYodea5778

Seeing Egypt dead on the shores of the Yam Suf – what really happened was… PlayLastDaysPesach5778

From Pauper to Prince – the History of the Jews – PlayPesach5779

Dovid Hamelech’s Last Song – PlayLastdaysPesach5779

PlayRebbe Yosi Hagelili’s 50 Miracles at the YamSuf – Pesach5780-RebbeYosiHageliliDownload

Pesach 5781: The Sword of G-d
Pesach 5781: The Future Song of G-d
Pesach 5782: V’hi Sheamda
Pesach 5782: Mah Ashiv
Pesach 5783 – The Wonder of Blood
Pesach 5783 – The Prince Doesn’t Care (Tehillim 117)
Haggadah 5784 – Lachatz is Dachak
Hallel 5784 – Eim Habanim Sameicha
Az Yashir 5784 – Zeh Keili V’anveihu
Hilchos Pesach #1
Hilchos Pesach #2
Hilchos Pesach #3

Parshas Tazria Metzora

The Eighth day of millah and what is tzaraas … Tazria-Metzorah – 5767

The order of parshios and tzaraas is like death … Tazria 5768

Rav Hirsh on tzaraas and Tzaraas nowadays … Metzorah 5768

Is it physical or spiritual? Contagious? 2 types. And Geichazi… PlayTazria-Metzorah 5769

Tumas laida and why we don’t have tzaraas nowadays … PlayTazria-Metzora 5770

Tzaraas at two very different times … PlayTazria 5771

The peddler asking “who wants life” … PlayMetzora 5771

5 different ideas about tzaraas … PlayTazriaMetzora 5772

The four lepers and the guard; Elisha … PlayTazriaMetzorah5773

Tzaraas of clothing … PlayTazria5774

Hints to Mashiach in the parsha … PlayMetzorah5774

If a person is entirely white (The following is only a text, no audio) – Tazria-Metzorashiur5775

Bris Millah on the 8th day – PlayTazria5776

The two birds and making him tahor – PlayMetzora5776

Tzoraas of houses- does it ever happen?? – PlayTazriaMetzora5777

Why the Kohanim?? Why them? – PlayTazriaMetzora5778

Isn’t giving birth enough of a Kaparah? – PlayTazria5779

Tzaraas in houses? It’s really all about you! – PlayMetzorah5779

Geichazi at the Gate! – TazriaMetzora5780
Parshas Metzorah 5781 – Why the Delay?
Parshas Tazria 5782: More than Enough
Parshas Metzorah 5782 – Healing Waters of the Mikva
Parshas Tazria 5783: White and Deep
Parshas Tazria 5784: Tzaraas and the Jordan River
Metzora 5784: Unnecessary Trampling