Sefer Ezra-Nechemiah

Koresh is convinced to rebuild the Bais Hamikdash and who goes up with Zerubavel – PlayEzra1

The Jews begin to build but then have to stop – PlayEzra2

Darius allows them to build again and Ezra is introduced – PlayEzra3

Ezra sees there are some major problems – PlayEzra4

We begin Nechemiah and he realizes how much he has to do – PlayEzra5

Nechemiah finishes the walls and fights the evil ones – PlayEzra6

Ezra reads the Sefer Torah to the people, they celebrate Rosh Hashana and Sukkos, and begin to do teshuva- PlayEzra7

Names of those who stayed in Jerusalem and worked hard – PlayEzra8

The very end of Tanach – PlayEzra9