
Perakim 1 and 2 – PlayMegillas Esther1

 (in pshat and drush)

Perakim 3, 4, and 5 – PlayEsther2

6 – 10 – PlayEsther3

The Amazing Drashos on Megillas Esther – PlayPurimnight5777

Five divrei Torah – Mordechai together with Esther, Haman’s real claim, Mordechai would never bow, Mordechai is from Yehuda, and why Haman never killed Mordechai – PlayPurim5778

Why would Achashveirosh tax the people in the end? – PlayPurim5779

Achashveirosh’s Drunken Mistake – PlayPurim5780

Purim 5781 – Charvona Should be Remembered!
Purim 5781 – Sleep Deprivation
Purim 5783: A Demoness and a King
Purim 5784: Who was Esther?
Purim 5785: Who was Hasach?

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