Parshas Vayishlach

Short divrei Torah … Vayishlach – 5767

Short divrei Torah …  Vayishlach 5768

Yaakov Avinu and Rebbe Akiva … Vayishlach 5769

The angels that were sent … PlayVayishlach 5770

Nature and the supernatural and the gid hanashe … PlayVayishlach 5771

Shechem and Dinah … PlayVayishlach 5772

Reuven moving Bilha’s bed … PlayVayishlach5774

The malachim and Yaakov Avinu … PlayVayishlach5775

The Malach and the leg of Yaakov … PlayVayishlach5776

The shevatim had strange gods with them? – vayishlach5777

Why would you ask me for my name? The Malach and Yaakov – PlayVayishlach5778

Why do we care about the children of Eisav? – PlayVayishlach5779

Vayishlach 5780 – Yaakov’s Sukkos
Vayishlach 5781 – Dinah’s outgoing Personality
Vayishlach 5781 (addition) – Seeing Beauty and not losing out
Vayishlach 5782 – The River and the Box
Vayishlach 5783 – Donkeys in the Desert
Vayishlach 5784 – Leaders at the End
Vayishlach 5785 – Who was Devorah?!