Parshas Vayetze

Short divrei Torah …  Vayetze – 5767

Short divrei Torah …  Vayetze 5768

Yaakov Avinu: the dream, Maariv, his power, and the plan with 2 wives … Vayetze 5769

The number 7 and all about the shepherds … PlayVayetze 5770

Kefitzus Haderech and the parsha of galus … PlayVayetze 5771

The mission of each Av and Yaakov in galus … PlayVayetze 5772

Yitzchak’s life and his bracha to Eisav … PlayVayetze5773

Why would he do seven years of work? … PlayVayetze5774

The malachim on the ladder … PlayVayetze5775

The Dudaim – PlayVayetze5776

Yaakov and the kiss of Rochel (first five minutes are missing…) – Vayetze5777 (here is the shiur in written form: vayetzeshiur5777

Yaakov giving mussar to the Shepherds – why? – PlayVayetze5778

Seven years of agony! – PlayVayetze5779

Seeing the Heavens from the Earth – PlayVayetze5780

Vayetze 5781 – Have you ever seen Angels Camping?
Vayetze 5781 (addition) – Malachei Elokim
Vayetze 5782 – Water Sheep!
Vayetze 5783 – A Head Ahead
Vayetze 5784: Lavan’s Trick, Leah’s Reason
Vayetze 5785: When a Tzadik won’t daven