Parshas Vayeshev

Short Divrei Torah … Vayeshev – 5767

Short divrei Torah … Vayeshev 5768

The power of clothing and Aishes Potifar … Vayeshev 5769

How to stop taavah and the kedusha in your eye … PlayVayeshev 5770

Lashon Hara, Yehuda and Tamar, Aishes Potifar … PlayVayeshev 5771

Dreams of Yaakov and Yosef, and his tzidkus … PlayVayeishev 5772a

 and PlayVayeishev 5772b

Yosef’s leadership; Yibum in the days of Yehuda and Tamar … PlayVayeshev5773

The baker and the butler … PlayVayeshev5774

The Kesones Pasim … PlayVayeshev5775

The pit was empty, but there were snakes in it … PlayVayeshev5776

Chira, Shua, and his daughter the “Canaanis” – vayeshev5777

Why would you dip a shirt into blood? – PlayVayeshev577


The Ring, the Shirt, and the Staff – PlayVayeshev5779

The Face of Yaakov – PlayVayeshev5780

Vayeshev 5781 – An Innocent Man
Vayeshev 5781 – additional
Vayeshev 5782 – Happy Birthday Paroh!
Vayeshev 5783 – A Burning for the Ages
Vayeshev 5784 – Killing Yosef, Wild Animals, and Dreams do Come True
Vayeshev 5785 – Yosef Going to Shechem