Parshas Pinchas

Kavah and Kubah, the 24,000 and the neshamos of Pinchas … Pinchas – 5767

Pinchas and his decision to be a Kanai … Pinchas 5768

A kohein that kills and the definition of mesiras nefesh … Pinchas 5769

Pinchas being rewarded, and what it means to become Eliyahu … Pinchas 5770

Tzlafchad and getting to the 50th level … Pinchas 5771

Eliyahu Hanavi and Pinchas … Pinchas5772

It’s a “din” that Pinchas should get his reward in this world … Pinchas5773

Appointing a new leader over the Jews … Pinchas5774

The broken vav in the word Shalom … Pinchas5775

What does Elokei Haruchos mean? – Pinchas5776

The 70 Bulls of the Nations – Pinchas5777

A special place in Gehinom for the sons of Korach – Pinchas5778

Who was Kozbi and Tzur? – Pinchas5779

Pinchas 5780: Family Matters
Pinchas 5781: Do we really know Zimri?
Pinchas 5781 Addition: Zimri’s death
Pinchas 5782: The Amazing Life of Serach bas Asher
Pinchas 5783: Yissachar or Yissaschar?

Pinchas 5784: After the Plague