Parshas Nasso

The miracles of the Sotah and birchas Kohanim … Nasso 5756

Sotah and shtus, Nazir, and Shimshon’s power … Naso 5768

Nazir and the haftarah … Naso 5769

176 pesukim and the Nazir’s hair (kedusha) … Naso 5771

“Nesiim” and the differences between the different gifts at the end … Nasso5772

Nazir, Sotah, repeating the Nesiim … Nasso5773

Birchas Kohanim: the word Koh … Nasso5774

The miracle of the Sotah water … Nasso5775

Gershon’ greatness – he’s “also” counted – Nasso5776

Nesanel’s korban (and his great advice) – Nasso5777

She gets to have a child after this? – Nasso5778

The bracha of the Guardian – Nasso5779

Nasso 5780: Speaking to G-d
Parshas Nasso 5781: All of my Children
Parshas Nasso 5782: A Crouching Lion
Parshas Nasso 5783: Holy Water, Dirty Water
Parshas Nasso 5784: Hair Issues