Parshas Mikeitz

Short divrei Torah … Miketz – 5767

Short divrei Torah … Mikeitz 5768

Rav Shwab on Paroh’s dream and Yosef’s plan – Mikeitz 5769

Bitachon of Yosef, the Chartumim’s mistake, Binyomin replacing Yosef – Mikeitz 5770

Light in the darkness – Mikeitz and Chanuka – Mikeitz 5771

Paroh’s dreams and his trust in Yosef – Mikeitz 5772

The Butler and everything else there … Mikeitz5773

The Chartumim translate the dream … Mikeitz5774

Reuven wanted to kill his two kids … Mikeitz5775

Tzafnais Paneiach … Mikeitz5776

How did the shevatim not recognize Yosef? – Mikeitz5777

Menashe and Ephraim – why these names? Forgetting your past… – Mikeitz5778

A tragedy, the travelers, and the one in charge – Mikeitz5779

“I had a dream” says the Butler – Mikeitz5780

Mikeitz 5781 – Sitting All by Himself
Mikeitz 5782 – Do you Believe in Magical Cups?
Mikeitz 5783 – Egyptian Circumcision
Mikeitz 5784 – Goblets, Bags, and Plans
Mikeitz 5785 – Eating Alone

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