Parshas Lech Lecha

Many divrei Torah … Lech Lecha – 5767

Many divrei Torah … Lech Lecha 5768

The nisayon and Avraham’s “selfishness” … Lech Lecha 5769

The galus of Avraham Avinu … PlayLech Lecha 5770

The nisayon of going, Sarah’s beauty, and Lot’s money issues… PlayLech Lecha 5771

All about Lot … PlayLechLecha 5772

Many short divrei Torah … PlayLechLecha5773

Who were the “nefesh asher asu b’charan” … PlayLechLecha5774

Addendum: PlayNefesh asher asu

 (made in 5776)

Yishmael’s bracha … PlayLechLecha5775

Avram and Sarai in Egypt … PlayLechLecha5776

Eliezer and who he was (not the Og story) – PlayLechLecha5777

Ur Kasdim – what really happened there? –  PlayLechLecha5778

Four Kings vs. Five Kings – why would Avraham Avinu get involved? – PlayLechLecha5779

What was the point of Hagar? – PlayLechLecha5780

Lech Lecha 5781: What’s in a Name
Lech Lecha 5782: Laughing for a Good Reason
Lech Lecha 5783: The First Makkah of Paroh
Lech Lecha 5784: Matza Man and Warrior Man
Lech Lecha 5785: A Shepherd’s Fight!