Parshas Eikev

“V’haya” and the word eikev, their clothes, and a portion in Torah … Eikev – 5767

Reward for mitzvos, to “afflict us”, and shiurim of the Torah … Eikev 5768

The word “eikev” and what G-d wants from us … Eikev 5769

No giving up, the intention behind the mitzvah, and Hashem’s guarantee … Eikev 5770

The second luchos and the second Aron … Eikev 5771

When was Moshe told to make this Aron Kodesh? … Eikev5772

Manna and Bread, the death of Aharon and breaking the Luchos, and writing a song … Eikev5773

The magical clothes of the Midbar … Eikev5774

How to have yiras Hashem – 100 brachos a day … Eikev5775

What’s so special about Eretz Yisroel? – Eikev5776

Longer days and longer years – Eikev5777

40 days of tefilla – Eikev5778

Civil War: the worst thing that could have happened – Eikev5779

Eikev 5780 – A New Luchos and a New Aron
Eikev 5781 – The Nations Among Us
Eikev 5782 – A Test we Must Pass!
Eikev 5783: The Problem with Dasan and Aviram
Eikev 5784: Don’t be a bum, be a Bum!