Parshas Chukas

A kaparah of the Parah Adumah and Miryam’s death, Og, and who were Balak and Bilaam … Chukas-Balak 5756

The real reason for the Parah Adumah, the reason for hitting the rock, and what happened in Edom … Chukas – 5767

What does a kaparah mean? And what did Balak see that others didn’t see … Chukas-Balak 5769

A chok, to act like you’re dead to the world to learn Torah, the miracle of the opposites, and the Nachash … Chukas 5770

Death by neshikah, and why we needed Mei Meirvah … Chukas 5771

The Netziv and Kedushas Levi on Mei Merivah … Chukas5772

To live for the Torah (and not to die), and using the word “morim” to describe the Jews … Chukas5773

Sending messages to Edom … Chukas5774

Why bring the staff to a water party? … Chukas5775

Isn’t a snake on a pole Avodah Zarah? – Chukas5776

You can’t get Amalek to change his spots… – Chukas5777

A river filled with blood and guts – Chukas5778

How anger can simply destroy you – Chukas5779

Chukas5780 – The Lifde and times of Sichon
Chukas 5781 – Spies that worked
Chukas 5782 – The life and times of Og
Chukas 5783: The Death of Miriam
Chukas 5784: The Song of the Well