Parshas Bamidbar

Many small divrei Torah… Bamidbar 5756

Deuel and Numbers … Bamidbar I and Bamidbar II

2 headed people and more … Bamidbar 5768

Connecting to zadikim and the real numbers… Bamidbar 5769

The real counting of bnai yisroel (continued form last year) and Zevulun/Sivan … Bamidbar 5770

Achdus out of individuals and calendar problems. .. Bamidbar 5771

Why the numbers? Also, their yichus … Bamidbar5772

Degalim … Bamidbar5773

All about their camps … Bamidbar5774

Nadav and Avihu added on here … Bamidbar5775

Why the desert? – Bamidbar5776

Counting by the head – and what happens when you do so – Bamidbar5777

The Impossible Numbers of the Leviim (why so small?) – Bamidbar5778

Something is missing here – a lesson for Reuven and Shimon – Bamidbar5779

Bamidbar 5780 – We need a good ending sometimes
Bamidbar 5781: All of my children
Bamidbar 5782: A Crouching Lion
Bamidbar 5783: Flagging Them Down
Bamidbar 5784: King Nachshon!