Parshas Balak

The reason for Parah Adumah, ,Miryam dying as a kaparah, the story of Og, Balak and Bilaam … Chukas-Balak 5756

Balak and Bilaam – who they were … Balak – 5767

Calling the parsha Balak, the “bird” of Balak, and “who will live from Shmuel” … Balak 5768

What does a kaparah mean? And what did Balak see that others didn’t see … Chukas-Balak 5769

Balak becoming King, and the curses/blessings of such a person… Balak 5770

Ignoring G-d’s signs (Donkeys talking) … Balak 5771

An ox licking up vegetables from the ground … Balak5772

Cursing instead of blessing, changing G-d’s mind, and a malach of Hashem that came to him … Balak5773

The magic they held in their “hands” … Balak5774

Baal Peor – what it all meant … Balak5775

The Donkey spoke – what was the point? – Balak5776

Magic has no affect on us!! – Balak5777

Bilaam’s vision of the future – Balak5778

Why would Bilaam want to bring Korbanos? Bilaam’s daas – Balak5779

Balak5780 – Who Can Live Through This??
Balak 5781 – The Land that Makes you Sin
Balak 5782 – Does G-d Really Change His Mind?
Balak 5784 – The One Eyed Man