Mussar Shmuzen Winter Zman 5778

Simchas Hachaim and finding our Taiva – Shmuz65778

Creation has its problems – how should we look at it hashkafically? What did Avraham Avinu do?  – Shmuz75778

How badly do you want it? – Shmuz85778

You are a talmid chacham – it’s time to believe in yourself – Shmuz95778

Chazal’s ability to discern the truth from fiction – Shmuz105778

Ikvasa D’Meshicha and what you can do – Mussar115778

Are we really waiting for Mashiach? – Shmuz125778

Chanuka – what are we really celebrating?? – Shmuz135778

A hesped for Harav Shteinman zatza”l – what we are now missing – Shmuz145778

Finding that Tzelem Elokim before it’s gone – Shmuz155778

What do we believe in? A quick synopsis of the Ani Maamins – Shmuz175778

Sefer Iyov

Iyov is punished, he makes his first speech – Iyov1

Eliphaz speaks up and Iyov answers him – Iyov2

Iyov continues and then Bildad gets up – Iyov3

Iyov’s response, Tzofar tells him to start over, and Iyov is exasperated – Iyov4

Iyov is upset and Elifaz begins to respond again – Iyov5

Iyov’s next response and Bildad again – Iyov5777

Tzofar’s last speech, his resonse – Iyov7

Last speeches of the friends (22 – 26) – Iyov8

Last speech of Iyov (27 – 30) – Iyov9

Elihu gets up (finally!) – Iyov10 and Iyov11 and Iyov12

Elihu’s last words, speaking of the greatness of Hashem – Iyov13

Hashem speaks to Iyov, finally! – Iyov14

Iyov’s final response and his final reward – Iyov15-Daniel1


Perakim 1 and 2 – Megillas Esther1 (in pshat and drush)

Perakim 3, 4, and 5 – Esther2

6 – 10 – Esther3

Purim vortlach – Purimnight5777

First two perakim of Rus – Rus1

Last two perakim of Rus – Rus2

First three perakim – ShirHashirim1

Last five perakim – ShirHashirim2

First 3 perakim of Eichah – Eichah1

Last two perakim of Eichah – (Lost the shiur…)

First two perakim of Koheles – Koheles1

Perakim 3 and 4 – Koheles2

Perakim 5 – 7 – Koheles3

Perakim 7 – 9 – Koheles4

10 – 12 – Koheles5