Parshas Tzav

Short divrei Torah… Tzav – 5767

Zrizus and chesron kis and the Ksav Sofer’s handkerchief … Tzav 5770

Rav Yaakov’s 3 types of people and the maalos of a kohein Gadol and his children … Tzav 5771

Maalos of torah over korbanos and chad gadya’s connection to korbanos … Tzav 5772

Everyone brought the same korban and everyone fit in the area… Tzav5773

Learning Torha is like bringing a korban … Tzav5774

Korban Todah … Tzav5775

Zrizus and chesron kis – Tzav5776

Forgiveness without a prayer – how menachos worked – Tzav5777

The crazy shalsheles and the thumb of the Kohein –Tzav5778

How did they all fit in such a small space? – Tzav5779

Nobody can Stop this Fire! – Tzav5780

Tzav5781 – New Clothes Makes the Man
Tzav 5782: Hashem Commanded Me!

Daf Yomi: Yevamos

Yevamos daf 2
Yevamos daf 3
Yevamos daf 4
Yevamos daf 5
Yevamos daf 6
Yevamos daf 7
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Yevamos daf 122

Parshas Vayikra

Short divrei Torah – Vayikra – 5767

Short divrei Torah – Vayikra 5768

What did Moshe bring to the Mishkan? Also, what is the point of each of the korbanos? – Vayikra 5769

Small Alef, we get the secrets of the Torah, the lessons of Vayikra (3 stories) and “mikem” – Vayikra 5770

To be called and prepared; if you had listened, you would have heard it, korbanos of a goy and a jew – Vayikra 5771

Intoduction to Vayikra, why we should know about korbanos, and Moshe’s nevuah … Vayikra 5772

Vayikra wihtout the alef, Moshe’s humility, and the bnai Aharon … Vayikra5773

Salting our korbanos … Vayikra5774

The small Alef … Vayikra5775

The Nassi is prone to sin – Vayikra5776

Fighting the yeitzer hara and the North – Vayikra5777

A “sweet savory smell” for Hashem – Vayikra5778

Lying is a terrible thing – Vayikra5779

Birds of a feather get brought together – Vayikra5780

Vayikra 5781: The Soul Behind it All
Vayikra 5782: It doesn’t have to be a big gift

Parshas Pekudei

Numbers of the Bais Hamikdash and 1775 shekel kesef … Pekudei 5768

Making the mishkan or the keilim first … Vayakhel-Pekudei 5769

How repeating everything is a form of hischadshus … Vayakhel-Pekudei 5770

The remez of the mishkan and the difference between a Mishkan and the Bais Hamikdash … Pekudei 5771

Was there enough donations? The Bais Medrash was added to it, and Moshe’s bracha when they finished … VayakhelPekudei 5772

Moshvosaichem and bracha falling on something that is counted … Vayakhel-Pekudei5773

Moshe’s bracha to klal yisroel … Pekudei5774

All about the gold – Pekudei5776

The mistake of the Nesi’im – VayakhelPekudei5777

The Glory of Hashem hidden in a cloud – Pekudei5779

Moshe’s Tremendous Bracha – VayakhelPekudei5780

Pekudei 5781: Rebbe Akiva will save us all!
Pekudei 5782: A Miracle Mishkan

Parshas Vayakhel

Fire on Shabbos and Betzalel … Vayakhel Pekudei – 5767

Shabbos … Vayakhel 5768

Making the mishkan or the keilim first … Vayakhel-Pekudei 5769

How repeating everything is a form of hischadshus … Vayakhel-Pekudei 5770

The kaparah for the Aigel Hazahav and women donating to the mishkan … Vayakhel 5771

Was there enough donations? The Bais Medrash was added to it, and Moshe’s bracha when they finished … VayakhelPekudei 5772

Moshvosaichem and bracha falling on something that is counted … Vayakhel-Pekudei5773

The men and women came together … Vayakhel5774

The women and the Kiyor … VayakhelPekudei5775

Why so repetitive and the “wisdom” of the animals – Vayakhel5776

The mistake of the Nesi’im – VayakhelPekudei5777

Gathering Bnei Yisroel for Shabbos – Vayakhel5778

When to say something and when not to say something – Vayakhel5779

Vaykahel 5782 – Lasting Impressions

Parshas Ki Sissa

Betzalel and what really happened at the Aigel … Ki Sisa – 5767

The half shekel and the secrets of the Aigel … Ki Sisa 5768

How bad the sin of the golden calf was … Ki Sisa 5769

Doing an avairah lishma and the dances were the worst part … Kisisa 5770

No malach hamaves, how could they kill Chur? Also, the point of the second luchos … KiSisa 5771

Rehashing the Aigel Hazahav … KiSissa 5772

“Zeh” and the Sattan darkening the world with Moshe’s death … KiSissa5773

Moshe’s mask … KiSissa5774

Yehoshua and Moshe argue what they heard in the camp … KiSissa5775

Seeing Hashem’s “Face” – KiSissa5776

Erasing Moshe from the sefer – KiSissa5777

Why would Moshe break the Luchos (what was the point?) – KiSisa5778

Lords of the Earrings – KiSissa5779

Brother Killers – How is this a good thing? – KiSissa5780

Ki Sissa 5781: The Mysterious Betzalel
Ki Sissa 5782: The Protective Hand

Parshas Tetzaveh

Moshe’s neshama and the stones of the choshen … Tetzaveh – 5767

Moshe’s neshama, the Urim V’tumim, and the Tzitz Hakodesh … Tetzaveh 5768

Moshe missing, clothes, the Ner Maaravi (and Chanuka)… Tetzaveh 5769

Shemen zayis and “owning” ourselves … Tetzaveh 5770

“Kosis lamaor” and the Choshen and its letters… Tetzaveh 5771

Moshe’s holy neshama and the Aron/Menorah (Torah) … Tetzaveh 5772

The word Tetzaveh and why donations were needed … Tetzaveh5773

How to use the Urim V’Tumim … Tetzaveh5774

The holy Tzitz Hakodesh … Tetzaveh5775

The Me’il – Tetzaveh5776

The Mizbeiach Haketores- what is it doing here? – Tetzaveh5777

The Awesome Ephod – Tetzaveh5778

Can Rashi and Rambam argue on Tannaim? The Avnei Ephod and who was written on them – Tetzaveh5779

The Most Amazing Stones – Tetzaveh5780

Parshas Tetzaveh 5781: An ear, a thumb, and a big toe
Parshas Tetzaveh 5782: Covering Up

Daf Yomi: Chagigah

Chagigah daf 2
Chagigah daf 3
Chagigah daf 4
Chagigah daf 5
Chagigah daf 6
Chagigah daf 7
Chagigah daf 8
Chagigah daf 9
Chagigah daf 10
Chagigah daf 11
Chagigah daf 12
Chagigah daf 13
Chagigah daf 14
Chagigah daf 15
Chagigah daf 16
Chagigah daf 17
Chagigah daf 18
Chagigah daf 19
Chagigah daf 20
Chagigah daf 21
Chagigah daf 22
Chagigah daf 23
Chagigah daf 24
Chagigah daf 25
Chagigah daf 26-27

Parshas Terumah

Great gematrios and the materials for the Mishkan … Terumah – 5767

Short divrei Torah… Trumah 5768

Must be done lishma … Terumah 5769

Mishkan and Mikdash and the point of it all … Trumah 5770

The Kruvim … Trumah 5771

Atzei Shittim and Techashim … Trumah 5772

The kedusha of the money … Trumah5773

Doing it lishma … Terumah5774

Tolaas Shani and the purpose of the Mishkan … Terumah5775

The Tachash/Unicorn … Terumah5776

The purpose of the Shulchan – actual:   Terumah5777   and other:    TerumahLIVE5777

The Paroches – the purpose of a separation –  Terumah5778

The Stones of Miluim – Terumah5779

Keruvim on Curtains! – Terumah5780

Terumah 5781 – Holding up the World
Terumah 5782 – The People’s House

Sefer Yechezkel (Second time around)

Perek 1
Perakim 2, 3, 4
Perakim 4,5,6
Perakim 7,8,9
Perakim 9 – 11
Perakim 11 – 13
Perakim 14-16
Perakim 16-17
Perakim 18 – 20
Perakim 20-21
Perakim 21- 23
Perakim 23- 25
Perkaim 25, 26, 27, 28
Perakim 29, 30, 31
Perakim 32 and 33
Perakim 34 and 35
Perakim 35 and 36
Perakim 36, 37, and 38
Perek 38 (Gog and Magog)
Perakim 39 and 40 (End of Gog and the third Bais Hamikdash)
Perakim 41 and 42 – Continuing to describe the third Bais Hamikdash
Perakim 43 and 44 – The Shechina returns, new laws are made for Kohanim
Perek 45 – New Korbanos that have never been brought before
Perakim 46 and 47 – The New Rules
Perek 48 – The Kohanim and Leviim/Division of the lands