Parshas Behaaloscha

Small divrei Torah… Bha’aloscha6_15_06

Menorah. backwards Nun, Moshe’s problem wit hthe Jews, the Cushis Woman … Behaaloscha – 5767

How they could sin this badly and “Chinam” … Behaaloscha 5768

The future Chanuka and the 7 sifrei Torah … Behaaloscha 5769

Nachshon- his greatness and his fall, what the Jews thought, and the missing sefer … Behaaloscha 5770


Traveling throughout the land, the most humble of men and the trait of humility … Behaaloscha5773

The Manna – what it tasted like and why they complained about it … Behaaloscha5775 (mp4) and Behaaloscha5775 (mp3, missing last three minutes)

Isha Kushis – Behaaloscha5776

Eldad and Meidad – who in the world are they? – Behaaloscha5777

STOP COMPLAINING!!! – Behaaloscha5778

Why Yehoshua wanted them dead – Behaaloscha5779

Behaaloscha5780: Looking back to go Forward
Behaaloscha 5781: The Power of Five Words
Behaaloscha 5782: Bald Headed Leviim

Parshas Nasso 5782

The miracles of the Sotah and birchas Kohanim … Nasso 5756

Sotah and shtus, Nazir, and Shimshon’s power … Naso 5768

Nazir and the haftarah … Naso 5769

176 pesukim and the Nazir’s hair (kedusha) … Naso 5771

“Nesiim” and the differences between the different gifts at the end … Nasso5772

Nazir, Sotah, repeating the Nesiim … Nasso5773

Birchas Kohanim: the word Koh … Nasso5774

The miracle of the Sotah water … Nasso5775

Gershon’ greatness – he’s “also” counted – Nasso5776

Nesanel’s korban (and his great advice) – Nasso5777

She gets to have a child after this? – Nasso5778

The bracha of the Guardian – Nasso5779

Nasso 5780: Speaking to G-d
Nasso 5781: Some Stay and Some Go
Nasso 5782: An Egg and an Olive

Parshas Bamidbar 5782

Many small divrei Torah… Bamidbar 5756

Deuel and Numbers … Bamidbar I and Bamidbar II

2 headed people and more … Bamidbar 5768

Connecting to zadikim and the real numbers… Bamidbar 5769

The real counting of bnai yisroel (continued form last year) and Zevulun/Sivan … Bamidbar 5770

Achdus out of individuals and calendar problems. .. Bamidbar 5771

Why the numbers? Also, their yichus … Bamidbar5772

Degalim … Bamidbar5773

All about their camps … Bamidbar5774

Nadav and Avihu added on here … Bamidbar5775

Why the desert? – Bamidbar5776

Counting by the head – and what happens when you do so – Bamidbar5777

The Impossible Numbers of the Leviim (why so small?) – Bamidbar5778

Something is missing here – a lesson for Reuven and Shimon – Bamidbar5779

Bamidbar 5780: We need a good ending sometimes
Bamidbar 5781: All of my Children
Bamidbar 5782: A Crouching Lion

Parshas Behar – Behcukosai

Shmittah and Rebbe Akiva … Behar Bechukosai 5756 (5766)

Bitachon and Olam Haba … Behar-Bechukosai – 5767

Har Sinai, the gift of Shemittah … Behar 5768

Ohr Hachaim story and the Meshech Chochmah … Bechukosai 5768

Why specifically shemittah? … Behar-Bechukosai 5769

Really being free, and going down before you go up … Behar-Bechukosai 5770

Everything is from Hashem … Behar 5771

Taavos are a killer, the power of one Jew … Bechukosai 5771

Where is our rewar din Olam Haba? … Behar-Bechukosai5772

Brachos and the tochecha … BeharBechukosai5773

Stone floors … Behar5774

Yaakov’s extra vav … Bechukosai5774

Shmittah and Har Sinai … BeharBechukosai5775

Letting your brother live (without interest) – Behar5776

42 pshatim fro mthe Ohr Hachaim – Bechukosai5776

Food: Eating a little is really a lot – BeharBechukosai5777

3 years promised to us? That makes no sense! – BeharBechukosai5778

You want the Geulah? First be a Goel! – Behar5779

I’m walking with Hashem! – Bechukosai5779     

Adendum (Getting rewarded in this world as well as the next) – Bechukosai5779Addendum

Bechukosai 5780: You think you can hide from Him??
Bechukosai 5781: You are Worth Everything in the World!
Behar 5782: Too much hard work!
Bechukosai 5782: Better Together

Parshas Emor

Short divrei Torah – Emor – 5767

Short divrei Torah – Emor A 5768 and Emor B 5768

Emor 5769

Emor 5770

Emor 5771

Chazaka and kohanim; sleeping through life … Emor5772

The bracha of sheasani kohein and an eye for an eye … Emor5773

Korcha and sritos over the dead … Emor5774

The Mekallel … Emor5775

Why we all use an Esrog – Emor5776

How blemishes can be part of perfection – Emor5777

Neutering dogs- not a great idea – Emor5778

To lean or not to lean – that is the question – Emor5779

Lighting up our Lives – Emor 5780
A Jailed Man – Emor 5781
Emor 5782 – A Kiddush Hashem!

Parshas Acharei Mos – Kedoshim

Acharei Mos-Kedoshim – 5767 – Nadav and Avihu, Molech, and shaatnez

Kedoshim 5768 – Veahavta l’rayacha kamocha

AchareiMos-Kedoshim 5769 – The parable in Rashi and the se’ir here

Acharei-Kedoshim 5770 – The holiness of Nadav and Avihu, reward for mitzvos in this world, and being a kadosh

AchareiMos 5771 – Don’t jump the steps! Plus Rebbe Akiva vs. Rebbe Eliezer

Kedoshim 5771 – How to be holy and ready for anything in different levels

Acharei-Kedoshim5772 – Yom Kippur, doing things for Hashem, chukim and mishpatim

Acharei-Kedoshim5773 – Molech!

AchareiMos5774 Se’ir LaAzazel

Kedoshim5774 – Shatnez

AchareiKedoshim5775 –  The magic of  Ov

AchareiMos5776 – What is Kares and how does it work? (I made a mistake)

Do not bear a grudge against anyone else – Kedoshim5776

Kedoshim Tihiyu! – AchareiMosKedoshim5777

Marrying your sister is a chesed? – AchareiKedoshim5778

We can never ever be like them! – AchareiMos5779

Superstition – when you can and you cannot? – Kedoshim5779

Acharei Mos 5780: He’s All By Himself – the Kohein Gadol on Yom Kippur
Acharei Mos 5780: Nadav and Avihu were a bit too holy
Acharei Mos 5781: Demon Goat gods
Acharei Mos 5782: Fun Fasting!
Kedoshim 5782: Animal Evil

Pesach 5782

Shfoch Chamascha and Eliyahu Hanavi – Pesach5773

How do we know the brachos were given on pesach? – Toldos5774

The greatest divrei Torah you will ever hear about Lavan – Kisavo 5771

All about Nirtzah – Pesach – Nirtzah

Rebbe Yehuda’s simanim – Pesach5777

Arami Oveid Avi! – KiSavo5777

A shiur on different ideas from the Chasam Sofer – ChasamSoferHaggada5778

Echad Mi Yodea (why are we singing a kids’ song) – EchadMiYodea5778

Seeing Egypt dead on the shores of the Yam Suf – what really happened was… LastDaysPesach5778

From Pauper to Prince – the History of the Jews – Pesach5779

Dovid Hamelech’s Last Song – LastdaysPesach5779

Rebbe Yosi Hagelili’s 50 Miracles at the YamSuf – Pesach5780-RebbeYosiHageliliDownload

Pesach 5781: The Sword of Hashem
Pesach 5781: The Future Song of G-d
Hilchos Pesach #1
Hilchos Pesach #2
Hilchos Pesach #3
Pesach 5782: Vhi She’amda
Pesach 5782: Hallel – Mah Ashiv

Parshas Tazria – Metzora

The Eighth day of millah and what is tzaraas … Tazria-Metzorah – 5767

The order of parshios and tzaraas is like death … Tazria 5768

Rav Hirsh on tzaraas and Tzaraas nowadays … Metzorah 5768

Is it physical or spiritual? Contagious? 2 types. And Geichazi… Tazria-Metzorah 5769

Tumas laida and why we don’t have tzaraas nowadays … Tazria-Metzora 5770

Tzaraas at two very different times … Tazria 5771

The peddler asking “who wants life” … Metzora 5771

5 different ideas about tzaraas … TazriaMetzora 5772

The four lepers and the guard; Elisha … TazriaMetzorah5773

Tzaraas of clothing … Tazria5774

Hints to Mashiach in the parsha … Metzorah5774

If a person is entirely white (The following is only a text, no audio) – Tazria-Metzorashiur5775

Bris Millah on the 8th day – Tazria5776

The two birds and making him tahor – Metzora5776

Tzoraas of houses- does it ever happen?? – TazriaMetzora5777

Why the Kohanim?? Why them? – TazriaMetzora5778

Isn’t giving birth enough of a Kaparah? – Tazria5779

Tzaraas in houses? It’s really all about you! – Metzorah5779

Geichazi at the Gate! – TazriaMetzora5780
Metzora5781: Why the Delay?
Tazria 5782: More than Enough!
Metzorah 5782: Healing Waters of the Mikvah

Parshas Shemini

Short divrei Torah – Shemini – 5767

Short divrei Torah – Shemini 5768

Shmini 5770

Shmini 5771

Why Nadav and Avihu died and how eating tamei things makes you tamei … Shmini5772

Kohanim drinking wine and Timtum Halev … Shmini5773

All about the birds … Shmini5774

Aharon’s silence – Shemini5775

The signs of Kosher Animals – Shemini5776

The 8 shratzim and the fiery salamander – Shemini5777

The Hyrax and the rabbit – it’s not what you think – Shemini5778

Bugs and a Large Vav – Shemini5779

Shemini 5780: Mishael and Eltzafan coming out of nowhere
Parshas Shemini 5781: A Kosher Bug!
Parshas Shemini 5782: A Kosher Pig!


Perakim 1 and 2 – Megillas Esther1 (in pshat and drush)

Perakim 3, 4, and 5 – Esther2

6 – 10 – Esther3

The Amazing Drashos on Megillas Esther – Purimnight5777

Five divrei Torah – Mordechai together with Esther, Haman’s real claim, Mordechai would never bow, Mordechai is from Yehuda, and why Haman never killed Mordechai – Purim5778

Why would Achashveirosh tax the people in the end? – Purim5779

Achashveirosh’s Drunken Mistake – Purim5780

Purim 5781 – Charvona Should be Remembered!
A quick summary of Gemara Megillah dafim 11 through 14
Purim 5782: Sleep Deprivation