Parshas Breishis: Hilchos Tzitzis – #1
Parshas Breishis: Hilchos Atifas Tallis – #2
Parshas Noach: The material used for Tziztis – #3
Parshas Noach: Linen and Four Corners – #4
Parshas Noach: How to make strings – #5
End of Noach: Strings and Parshas Lech Lecha: Wrapping the Tallis – #6
Parshas Lech Lecha: Borrowing and cutting strings (7)
Parshas Lech Lecha: Size and more (8)
Parshas Lech Lecha and Vayeira: Why we wear Tefillin (9)
Parshas Vayeira: Bracha on Tefillin and borrowing (10)
Parshas Vayeira: Tefillin – when and how (11)
Parshas Vayeira: Tefillin – parshios (12)
Parshas Vayeira and Chayei Sarah: Tefillin – how to put them on (13)
Parshas Chayei Sarah – where to put the tefillin (14)
Chayei Sarah: Nothing between the tefillin and you (15)
Parshas Chayei Sarah: Taking off the Tefillin (16)
Parshas Toldos: How to do netilas yadayim (17)
Netilas Yadayim – process (18)
Parshas Vayetze: Hakdama and bathroom issues (19)
Parshas Vayetze: Bathroom issues (20)
Vayetze: Touching hands before washing (21)
Vayishlach: Nighttime issues (22)
Vayishlach: Tikkun Chatzos (23)
Vayishlach and Vayeshev: Tikkun Chatzos and Elokai Neshama (24)
Elokai Neshama (25)
Birchos Hashachar (26)
100 Brachos and more! (27)
Brachos and Chanuka (28)
Kedushas Bais Heknesses (29)
Pesukei Dzimra (Vayigash – 30)
Pesukei Dzimra (Vayigash – 31)
Baruch Sheamara (Vayigash – 32)
Ashrei and more (Vayigash – 33)
Yishtabach and Kaddish (Vayigash – 34)
Kaddish (Vayechi – 35)
Kaddish (Vayechi – 36)
Yotzeir Ohr (Shemos – 37)
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