
Introduction to Yirmiyahu … Yirmiya-introduction

Yirmiyah’s first nevuah … Yirmiya1

Yehuda should have learned from their brothers … Yirmiya2

The beginning of the Babylonian Invasion … Yirmiya3

Yirmiya realizes people aren’t listening to him … Yirmiya4 and Yirmiya5

Yirmiya’s fight with Hashem … Yirmiya6 and Yirmiya7

It gets bad  and Yirmiya is thrown in jail by Pashchur… Yirmiya8 and Yirmiya9

Another vision of Mashiach and yelling at the bad neviim … Yirmiya10

The bad neviim come out and yell at him … Yirmiya11


Nevuchadnezzar comes, and Yirmiya is in jail … Yirmiya13

His final nevuah … Yirmiya14

Yerushalayim is destroyed, Gedalia is killed … Yirmiya15

The last prophecies … Yirmiya16

The nations get a nevuah … Yirmiya17

Mussar Shmuzen – late winter zman

Proper and clear communication … Shmuz155775

Shovevim and our world today … Shmuz165775

The purpose of bain hazemanim and bais hasedarim in a yeshiva system … Shmuz175775

Chiddushei Torah … Shmuz185775

Taking advantage of opportunities of chesed when they are presented to you … Shmuz195775

Ratzon – you can do whatever you want … Shmuz205775

Torah is the solution, if you just realize it … Shmuz215775

(There is another shmuz, #22, that is available upon request through email, but will not be uploaded.)

An introduction to our avodah on Purim … Shmuz235775

Finding Hashem in a world of Hester Panim … Shmuz245775

Mussar Shmuzen winter zman – 5775

You can be a gadol, just don’t be a loser … Shmuz75775

Issues of yichud. Just put the computer away! … Shmuz85775

You will change the world … Shmuz95775

Derech Eretz kadmah l’Torah… Shmuz105775

A story of a donut … Shmuz115775

Stay away from bad situations… Shmuz125775

What to take out of Chanuka … Shmuz135775

A miracle made just for us – how to trust chazal … Shmuz145775

Proper and clear communication … Shmuz155775

Shovevim and our world today … Shmuz165775

Sefer Yeshaya

Perakim 1 – 4: Our problem and Mashiach coming … Yeshaya1

Perakim 5 – 7 … Yeshaya2

Perakim 8 – 10 … Chizkiyah and Sancheriv Yeshaya3

11 – 14 Mashiach and the downfall of Bavel … Yeshaya4

15 – 20, Moav , Aram, and Bavel fall … Yeshaya5

21 – 25 … Ikvasa D’Mshicha … Yeshaya6

25 – 28 … More on the same … Yeshaya7

29 – 33 … Yeshaya8

33- 37 … Yeshaya9

38 – 41 … Yeshaya10

41 – 44 …Yeshaya11

Yeshaya1245 – 49 …

50 – 54 … Yeshaya13

55 – 59 … Yeshaya14

60 – 63 … Yeshaya15

63 – 66 … Yeshaya16

Melachim Bais

Achav dies, Yehoshafat dies, Eliyahu “dies” … MelachimBais1

Eliyahu goes up to shamayim … MelachimBais2

Elisha’s miracles … MelachimBais3

More miracles … MelachimBais4

Aram fights the Jews … MelachimBais5

Izevel and Achav’s family dies … MelachimBais6

Asalya dies and Yoash takes over … MelachimBais7a and MelachimBais7b

More kings … MelachimBais8

And the bad kings … MelachimBais9

Chizkiyahu vs. Sancheirev … MelachimBais10

Menashe and Ammon … MelachimBais11

Yoshia … MelachimBais12

The end of it all, Yehoyakim, Tzidkiya, and Gedalya … MelachimBais13

Melachim Alef

Dovid appoints Shlomo as King and instructs him (Perakim 1 -2) MelachimAlef1

Shlomo takes care of the loose ends (Perakim 2 -3) MelachimAlef2

Shlomo’s wisdom and starts construction on the Bais Hamikdash (Perakim 3 – 5) MelachimAlef3

Construction of the Kodesh and Kodesh Hakadashim (Perakim 5-6) MelachimAlef4

Continuing the Bais Hamikdash and the palace … MelachimAlef5

Celebrating the construction and his last nevuah … MelachimAlef6

Queen of Sheba … MelachimAlef7

Shlomo’s death … MelachimAlef8

Rechavam and Yeravam split the kingdom … MelachimAlef9

The next 6 kings … MelachimAlef10

Achav and Eliyahu Hanavi … MelachimAlef11

Elisha is appointed and Achav with Naval’s field … MelachimAlef12

Achav’s death and the end of the navi … MelachimAlef13

Mussar Shmuzen, end of Winter

A tale of three good men … Mussar215774

Repetition can be exciting, it depends! … Mussar215774

Do we need a receptacle to allow Torah to affect us? … Mussar225774

Real simcha in life vs. “Holelus” … Mussar235774

The power of Purim and what it can do for you … Mussar245774

Tittum halev and how you can mess yourself up … Mussar255774

Ticket stubs … Mussar265774

Working on yourself and asking for help … Mussar275774

End of the zman, how to act during bein hazmanim … Mussar285774