Shmuel Alef – second time around

Perek Alef and the song of Chana – ShmuelAlef5779

Shmuel becomes a Navi – ShmuelAlef57792

Shmuel leads them into battle – ShmuelAlef57793

They want a King – ShmuelAlef57794

Shaul is chosen – ShmuelAlef57795

The first war – and the first mistake – ShmuelAlef57796

Yehonasan wins the war on his own – ShmuelAlef57797

Shaul is taken down – ShmuelAlef57798

Dovid and Gulyas – ShmuelAlef57799

Dovid begins to run away – ShmuelAlef577910

Machar Chodesh and Nov – ShmuelAlef577911

Dovid runs away and is caught twice – ShmuelAlef577912

Naval – he was pretty bad – ShmuelAlef577913

Dovid and Shaul meet for the last time – ShmuelAlef577914

Shaul and the Baalas Ov – ShmuelAlef577915

Dovid destroys Amalek and Shaul dies – ShmuelAlef577916

Sefer Yehoshua (second round)

Who is Yehoshua? Rachav and the spies – Yehoshua57791

They cross the Jordan River – Yehoshua57792

Yericho is destroyed – Yehoshua57793

Fighting the Ai – Yehoshua4

Givonim come – Yehoshua57795

The wars of the 31 Kings – Yehoshua57796

Dividing up  the Land and Kalev – Yehoshua57797

The cities of the other shevatim – Yehoshua57798

Cities of refuge, Yehoshua’s second to last speech – Yehoshua57799

Yehoshua’s final warning to the people – Yehoshua577910

Winter Zman Shmuzen

Amalek pushes away Mashiach – what can we do? – Shmuz45779

Our battle against the Yeitzer Hara – Shmuz55779

Learning is the answer to prepare – Shmuz65779

The story of Teshuva- preparing for the end – Shmuz75779

Technology and the future – Shmuz85779

Ramban’s version of Mashiach (a different world) – Shmuz95779

Edom’s rule should last forever – Shmuz105779

The life of a Maccabee – Shmuz125779

In just one second – Shmuz135779

I love you Hashem (step #1) – Shmuz145779

Olam Haba is something to think about (step #2) – Shmuz165779

The hardest thing in the world – living L’sheim Shamayim (step #3) – Shmuz175779

Sefer Mishlei

1st Perek – a father warns his child – Mishlei1

The definition of Chochmah – Mishlei2

Staying away from reshaim – Mishlei3

The evil women who seduce you – Mishlei4

How to work on yourself –Mishlei5

The paths of life – Mishlei6

Reshaim and Tzadikim – Mishlei75779

More on Reshaim – Mishlei8

Perakim 15 and 16 – Mishlei9

Perakim 19 and 20 – Mishlei11

21 – 22 – Mishlei12

23 – 28 – Mishlei13

28 – 29 – Mishlei14

30 – 31 – Mishlei15

Divrei Hayamim 2

Shlomo is now King and begins to build the Bais Hamikdash – Divrei Hayamim 2

More on the construction and now the consecration – DivreiHayamim2-2

More about Shlomo Hamelech and his downfall – DivreiHayamim2-3 and DivreiHayamim2-4

Rechavam’s big mistake – DivreiHayamim2-5

End of Rechavam, Abiya, and Assa – DivreiHayamim2-6

The end of Assa’s life and Yehoshafat – DivreiHayamim2-7

Yehoshafat and Achav – Divrei Hayamim2-8

Assa until Asalya and Yoash – DivreiHayamim2-9

Yoash turns bad, and then comes Achaziah – DivreiHayamim2-10

Achaziah, Uzziah, Yosam, and Achaz – DivreiHayamim2-11

The end of evil Achaz and the great Chizkiyahu Hamelech – DivreiHayamim2-12

Chizkiyahu and his challenges with Sancheriv – DivreiHayamim2-13

Menashe, Yoshia finds the sefer Torah – DivreiHayamim2-14