Parshas Devarim

Ramazim within the first pasuk, “Larov” without a vav, and the age of 13 – Devarim 5756

Mussar as a remez, the names of the places they went, going to the North … Devarim – 5767

The seder of the sefarim, to “all” of the Jews, and the mountains … Devarim 5768

Sefer Devarim and why it’s different … Devarim 5769

The Aigel  was last, you can’t or you won’t, and the extra vav in Yehoshua’s name… Devarim 5770

Og Melech Habashan … Devarim 5771

Teaching them the methods, preparing them for the land, Mussar being given with hints … Devarim5772

Moshe’s worry in writing this sefer … Devarim5773

Why did Moshe die before entering the land… Devarim5774

Continuing last year and turning to the North away from Edom … Devarim5775

The land of Di Zahav – Devarim5776

Og vs. Moshe (or The Hulk vs. Antmen) – who wins the kedusha battle? – Devarim5777

What even Moshe Rabbeinu could not handle – Devarim5778

A revisionist history of the Meraglim – Devarim5779

Devarim 5780 – The Day the Sun Stood Still
Devarim 5781 – The Resposibility of Leadership
Devarim 5782 – The Small Defeat the Large
Devarim 5783: Fearsome Giants
Devarim 5784: Quality vs Quantity