
Introduction to Yirmiyahu … Yirmiya-introduction

Yirmiyah’s first nevuah … Yirmiya1

Yehuda should have learned from their brothers … Yirmiya2

The beginning of the Babylonian Invasion … Yirmiya3

Yirmiya realizes people aren’t listening to him … Yirmiya4 and Yirmiya5

Yirmiya’s fight with Hashem … Yirmiya6 and Yirmiya7

It gets bad  and Yirmiya is thrown in jail by Pashchur… Yirmiya8 and Yirmiya9

Another vision of Mashiach and yelling at the bad neviim … Yirmiya10

The bad neviim come out and yell at him … Yirmiya11


Nevuchadnezzar comes, and Yirmiya is in jail … Yirmiya13

His final nevuah … Yirmiya14

Yerushalayim is destroyed, Gedalia is killed … Yirmiya15

The last prophecies … Yirmiya16

The nations get a nevuah … Yirmiya17