Parshas Vayakhel Pekudei

Fire on Shabbos and Betzalel … Vayakhel Pekudei – 5767

Shabbos … Vayakhel 5768

Making the mishkan or the keilim first … PlayVayakhel-Pekudei 5769

How repeating everything is a form of hischadshus … PlayVayakhel-Pekudei 5770

The kaparah for the Aigel Hazahav and women donating to the mishkan … PlayVayakhel 5771

Was there enough donations? The Bais Medrash was added to it, and Moshe’s bracha when they finished … PlayVayakhelPekudei 5772

Moshvosaichem and bracha falling on something that is counted … PlayVayakhel-Pekudei5773

The men and women came together … PlayVayakhel5774

The women and the Kiyor … PlayVayakhelPekudei5775

Why so repetitive and the “wisdom” of the animals – PlayVayakhel5776

The mistake of the Nesi’im – PlayVayakhelPekudei5777

Gathering Bnei Yisroel for Shabbos – PlayVayakhel5778

When to say something and when not to say something – PlayVayakhel5779

Pekudei 5779: The Glory of Hashem and the Cloud
Pekudei 5780: Moshe’s Bracha to All!
Pekudei 5781: What was Missing: the 1775!
Vayakhel 5872: Lasting Impressions
Pekudei 5782: When the Mishkan was Made…
Vayakhel 5783: An Outstretched Heart
Vayakhel 5784: Enough and More!
Pekudei 5784: Service Clothing – because Moshe said so!
Vaykahel 5785: Ode to a Teacher
Pekudei 5785: The Cloud of Hashem that will be with us forever

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