Parshas Terumah

Great gematrios and the materials for the Mishkan … Terumah – 5767

Short divrei Torah… Trumah 5768

Must be done lishma … PlayTerumah 5769

Mishkan and Mikdash and the point of it all … PlayTrumah 5770

The Kruvim … PlayTrumah 5771

Atzei Shittim and Techashim … PlayTrumah 5772

The kedusha of the money … PlayTrumah5773

Doing it lishma … PlayTerumah5774

Tolaas Shani and the purpose of the Mishkan … Terumah5775

The Tachash/Unicorn … PlayTerumah5776

The purpose of the Shulchan – actual:   PlayTerumah5777

   and other:    PlayTerumahLIVE5777

The Paroches – the purpose of a separation –  PlayTerumah5778

The Stones of Miluim – PlayTerumah5779

Keruvim on Curtains! – PlayTerumah5780

Terumah 5781: Holding up the World
Terumah 5782: The People’s House
Terumah 5783: Be a Square
Terumah 5784: Angel Baby Faces
Terumah 5785: Copper Pegs and Copper Souls

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