Parshas Shemos

Short divrei Torah … Shemos – 5767

Short divrei Torah … Shemos 5768

Moshe Rabbeinu being pulled out from the tumah of the world … Shemos 5769

The 49th level and feeling stuck; the staff/snake … PlayShemos 5770

Three midrashim about Moshe Rabbeinu and how to understand them … PlayShemos 5771

Moshe’s job to stay away from gashmiyus; Tzipporah’s only words in the Chumash … PlayShemos 5772

Lack of Hakaras Hatov by Paroh; Moshe being born three months early … PlayShemos5773

Taking his shoes off … PlayShemos5774

The burning bush … PlayShemos5775

Shifra and Puah … PlayShemos5776

How did Moshe get out of Egypt? And why did Paroh try to kill him? – PlayShemos5777

The Name that Kills – PlayShemos5778

Why would Moshe want a Snaky staff? – PlayShemos5779

Hiding in plain sight – Moshe’s little boat – PlayShemos5780

Shemos 5781 – Death an at Inn
Shemos 5781a – Divrei Torah in the Parsha
Shemos 5781b – A Geulah with Moshe and a Geulah without
Shemos 5782 – Talk Softly and Carry a Big Staff
Shemos 5783 – The Fight at the Well
Shemos5784: Walk like an Egyptian into the Palace
Shemos 5785: Good Ol’ Moshe!