Pesach 5780

Shfoch Chamascha and Eliyahu Hanavi – Pesach5773

How do we know the brachos were given on pesach? – Toldos5774

The greatest divrei Torah you will ever hear about Lavan – Kisavo 5771

All about Nirtzah – Pesach – Nirtzah

Rebbe Yehuda’s simanim – Pesach5777

Arami Oveid Avi! – KiSavo5777

A shiur on different ideas from the Chasam Sofer – ChasamSoferHaggada5778

Echad Mi Yodea (why are we singing a kids’ song) – EchadMiYodea5778

Seeing Egypt dead on the shores of the Yam Suf – what really happened was… LastDaysPesach5778

From Pauper to Prince – the History of the Jews – Pesach5779

Dovid Hamelech’s Last Song – LastdaysPesach5779

Pesach 5780 – Btzais Yisroel and what it all means
Pesach 5780 – It just takes one moment for us to be saved!
Pesach 5780 – What the Future May Hold!
Pesach5780: The Sea can make its own decisions!