Parshas Tetzaveh

Moshe’s neshama and the stones of the choshen … Tetzaveh – 5767

Moshe’s neshama, the Urim V’tumim, and the Tzitz Hakodesh … Tetzaveh 5768

Moshe missing, clothes, the Ner Maaravi (and Chanuka)… PlayTetzaveh 5769

Shemen zayis and “owning” ourselves … PlayTetzaveh 5770

“Kosis lamaor” and the Choshen and its letters… PlayTetzaveh 5771

Moshe’s holy neshama and the Aron/Menorah (Torah) … PlayTetzaveh 5772

The word Tetzaveh and why donations were needed … PlayTetzaveh5773

How to use the Urim V’Tumim … PlayTetzaveh5774

The holy Tzitz Hakodesh … PlayTetzaveh5775

The Me’il – Tetzaveh5776

The Mizbeiach Haketores- what is it doing here? – PlayTetzaveh5777

The Awesome Ephod – PlayTetzaveh5778

Can Rashi and Rambam argue on Tannaim? The Avnei Ephod and who was written on them – PlayTetzaveh5779

The Most Amazing Stones – PlayTetzaveh5780

Parshas Tetzaveh 5781: An ear, a thumb, and a big toe
Parshas Tetzaveh 5782: Covering up
Parshas Tetzaveh 5783: The Light from Within
Addendum to 5783
Tetzaveh 5784: Shouldering a Burden
Tetzaveh 5785: Meeting G-d There

Parshas Terumah

Great gematrios and the materials for the Mishkan … Terumah – 5767

Short divrei Torah… Trumah 5768

Must be done lishma … PlayTerumah 5769

Mishkan and Mikdash and the point of it all … PlayTrumah 5770

The Kruvim … PlayTrumah 5771

Atzei Shittim and Techashim … PlayTrumah 5772

The kedusha of the money … PlayTrumah5773

Doing it lishma … PlayTerumah5774

Tolaas Shani and the purpose of the Mishkan … Terumah5775

The Tachash/Unicorn … PlayTerumah5776

The purpose of the Shulchan – actual:   PlayTerumah5777

   and other:    PlayTerumahLIVE5777

The Paroches – the purpose of a separation –  PlayTerumah5778

The Stones of Miluim – PlayTerumah5779

Keruvim on Curtains! – PlayTerumah5780

Terumah 5781: Holding up the World
Terumah 5782: The People’s House
Terumah 5783: Be a Square
Terumah 5784: Angel Baby Faces
Terumah 5785: Copper Pegs and Copper Souls

Parshas Mishpatim

Short divrei Torah… Mishpatim – 5767

Lifnim mishuras hadin and magic … Mishpatim 5768

Eved ivri – why call him that? … Mishpatim 5769

Crazy hornets … PlayMishpatim 5770

The mishpatim of Hashem and how Torah affects Gamshmius, plus doctors … PlayMishpatim 5771

Another bit about “ivri” and everything really being chukim, plus Torah changing over the years… PlayMishpatim 5772

The malach that is with us as well as the Mai Hashiloach on slaves … PlayMishpatim5773

Naarei bnai yisroel bringing korbanos … PlayMishpatim5774

Why start with a Jewish slave? … PlayMishpatim5775

An eye for an eye – PlayMishpatim5776

Doggie Heaven (why we throw Traifos to them) – PlayMishpatim5777

Seeing G-d does not mean that they saw G-d – PlayMishpatim5778

The Malach who was supposed to join Klal Yisroel – PlayMishpatim5779

The stairway to Heaven – PlayMishpatim5780

Mishpatim 5781: A Book for the Ages
Mishpatim 5782: Blind as a Bat
Mishpatim 5783: She’s a Witch!
Mishpatim 5784: Staring and eating
Mishpatim 5785: A Malach for all of us

Parshas Yisro

Many small divrei torah … Yisro – 5767

What did Yisro hear? and other divrei Torah … Yisro 5768

Our derech eretz and theirs …. PlayYisro 5769

Gershom, our job to learn, and trying to be like Shammai on Shabbos … PlayYisro 5770

Yisro saw what he had to do, and why he’s happy now … PlayYisro 5771

The process of Torah Shebe’al peh … PlayYisro 5772

Yisro’s shock, Moshe’s judging abilities, and the mitzvha of Hagbalah … PlayYisro5773

Carried on eagles’ wings … PlayYisro5774

The story of Gershom, son of Moshe … PlayYisro5775

Why Yisro wanted judges … PlayYisro5776

The great shofar blast at Har Sinai – PlayYisro5777

Why can’t I have what he’s having? – PlayYisro5778

We are the “treasured” nation – PlayYisro5779

The Bris Party – fixing Kayin’s mistakes – PlayYisro5780

Yisro 5781 – We Don’t Want to Die
Yisro 5782 – Lightning, Thunder, and a Massive Shofar Blast
Yisro 5783 – Love Parents, Live Longer
Yisro 5784 – Seeing is Believing!
Yisro 5785 – Seeing the Sounds

Parshas Beshalach

The Pelishtim and 50 miracles of krias Yam Suf … Beshalach 5767

Pelishtim, women singing and the mann … Beshalach 5768

The Yam and its power, and kishuf … PlayBeshalach 5769

Dasan and Aviram … PlayBeshalach 5770

The Pelishtim and Baal Tzafon … PlayBeshalach 5771

Krias Yam Suf and all of the miracles … PlayBeshalach – Yamsuf

What happened with the Bnai Efraim … PlayBeshalach 5772


Crazy stuff about Baal Tzefon … PlayBeshalach5774

Chamushim – armed or 1/5 of the Jews left … PlayBeshalach5775

The bitter waters of Marah sweetened – PlayBeshalach5777

Miryam starts a song – PlayBeshalach5778

The 12 and 70 – the point of the city Eilim – PlayBeshalach5779

The Wonders of the Manna – PlayBeshalach5780

Beshalach 5781 – A Private Crossing for Two
Beshalach 5782 – Yehoshua Man of War
Beshalach 5783 – Raising your arms to the Sky
Beshalach 5784 – Good Quail to Eat
Beshalach 5785 – Weakening Amalek