Parshas Chayei Sarah

Small divrei Torah … Chayei Sarah – 5767

Small divrei Torah… Chayei Sara 5768

Bnei Ches and Eliezer’s test … Chayei Sara 5769

The gifts of the other six children … Chayei Sara 5770

“Kesef Malei” of Efron … ChayeiSarah 5771

Pachad Yitzchak and the 6 children of Keturah … ChayeiSara 5772

127 countries for 127 years of Sarah … ChayeiSara5773

Eliezer and his nichush … ChayeiSarah5774

The daughter of Avraham Avinu … ChayeiSara5775

Keturah (who was she?) … ChayeiSarah5776

Efron and the 400 shekel kesef – chayeisara5777

Who was Lavan? What’s with that guy? – ChayeiSara5778

To cry or not to cry – that is the question – ChayeiSara5779

Field of davening Dreams – ChayeiSara5780

Parshas Chayei Sarah 5781 – The Enigma of Yishmael
Chayei Sarah 5781 – Is this a Nisayon?
Chayei Sarah 5782 – Speaking before Eating
Chayei Sarah 5783 – Gifts to be Named Later
Chayei Sarah 5784 – Falling off Camels
Chayei Sarah 5785 – The Six Lost Children of Avraham

Parshas Vayeira

Small divrei Torah … Vayeira – 5767

Small divrei Torah … Vayeira 5768

Covering up Sedom from Avraham Avinu, but not from Lot! … Vayera 5769

The Angels visit Avraham … Vayeira 5770

Mamre’s greatness and Avraham’s chesed … Vayeira 5771

The world of Yitzchak Avinu… Vayeira 5772

Mamre’s advice and having guests .. Vayeira5773

Lot’s daughters … Vayeira5774

Sarah Imeinu laughed… Vayeira5775

Lot’s wife (Iris) … Vayeira5776

Yitzchak could have died at the Akeidah! – Vayeira5777

What did Yishmael do wrong?? – Vayeira5778

Avrhaam needs to know what is going on in the world! – Vayeira5779

Did they really think they were the last ones on earth? – Vayeira5780

Vayeira 5781 – The Blind and the Confused
Vayeira 5782 – All for One Tzadik!
Vayeira 5783 – Going back to your home
Vayeira 5784 – Sister Wife
Vayeirs 5785 – Serving Tongues

Parshas Lech Lecha

Many divrei Torah … Lech Lecha – 5767

Many divrei Torah … Lech Lecha 5768

The nisayon and Avraham’s “selfishness” … Lech Lecha 5769

The galus of Avraham Avinu … Lech Lecha 5770

The nisayon of going, Sarah’s beauty, and Lot’s money issues… Lech Lecha 5771

All about Lot … LechLecha 5772

Many short divrei Torah … LechLecha5773

Who were the “nefesh asher asu b’charan” … LechLecha5774

Addendum: Nefesh asher asu (made in 5776)

Yishmael’s bracha … LechLecha5775

Avram and Sarai in Egypt … LechLecha5776

Eliezer and who he was (not the Og story) – LechLecha5777

Ur Kasdim – what really happened there? –  LechLecha5778

Four Kings vs. Five Kings – why would Avraham Avinu get involved? – LechLecha5779

What was the point of Hagar? – LechLecha5780

Lech Lecha 5781: What’s in a Name
Lech Lecha 5782: Laughing for a Good Reason
Lech Lecha 5783: The First Makkah of Paroh
Lech Lecha 5784: Matza Man and Warrior Man
Lech Lecha 5785: A Shepherd’s Fight!