Parshas Vzos Habracha

The other nations did not accept the Torah, Moshe’s greatness, and a crazy vort from the Chasam Sofer … Vezos Habrachah 5766

Lots of divrei Torah… Vezos Habrachah – 5768

Were we really asked to keep the Torah after everyone else? Why offer it to them at all? … Vzos 5770

The tumim and then the Urim and the clerest level of nevuah … HaazinuVzos 5771.mp3

Becoming a chassid, not knowing where Moshe is buried… VzosHabracha5773

Every word is a different mitzvah, and Moshe’s greatness … Vzos5774

Reuven’s tremendous bracha … Vzos5775

Yissachar and Zevulun … VzosHabracha5776

The Man of G-d – Vzos5777

Who wrote the last 8 pesukim of the Torah? – Vzos5778

Gad – the Man of War – VzosHabracha5779

What is it that Moshe Rabbeinu saw? – Vzos5780

Vzos 5781 – Moshe’s Superior Nevuah
Vzos 5782 – The Death of a Giant
Vzos 5783 – Family Ties: Shevet Levi
Vzos 5784 – Sons, Daughters, and Wealth – Asher’s bracha
Vzos 5785 – Forever Young