Parshas Ki Savo

Bikkurim and Hagba … Ki Savo 5766

“Reishis” and the letter samech … Ki Savo – 5767

Making the fruit grow quickly, 70 languages, the curses and brachos on the mountains … Ki Savo 5768

Bikkurim and the only Kohein, why they wrote on top of stones … Ki Savo 5769

Bitachon and Simcha, feeling renewed, and Rosh Hashana… Kisavo 5770

Lavan vs. Yaakov, Arami Oveid Avi … Kisavo 5771

1/60, doing teshuvah, and some of the curses … KiSavo5772

Lavan and Yaakov, learning with and without a chavrusa, and each one of the 11 “curses” … KiSavo5773

The brachos will run to catch up with you … KiSavo5774

The Torah is written on the stones … KiSavo5775

The curse of not keeping the Torah and Hagba – KiSavo5776

Arami Oveid Avi! – KiSavo5777

When the other nations see us (And our tefillin) – KiSavo5778

The 40 year old who can understand anything and everything – KiSavo5779

Ki Savo 5780 – We want shefa now!!
Ki Savo 5781: I feel like I’m going Crazy
Ki Savo 5782: The Private Idol Industry
Ki Savo 5783: Today! And then Tomorrow!
Ki Savo 5784: The Hidden Brachos

Parshas Ki Seitzei

The beautiful woman at war, mirrors, the Gr”a in the Torah, and Amalek … Ki Seitzei

The yeitzer hara, war in the beginning and end of the parsha, when to send the mother away … Ki Seitzei 5768

Rav Shwab’s tow types of mitzvos and the Ben Sorer U’moreh … Ki Seitzei 5769

Amalek vs. the yeitzer hara, fighting the yeitzer hara … Ki Seitzei 5770

Not everything is permitted, Marriage vs. divorce … KiSeitzei 5771

Shiluach Hakan and Amalek … KiSeitzei5772

The real bechor, the word “get” and shiluach hakan again … KiSeitzei5773

Wearing women’s clothing … KiSeitzei5774

Hanging someone overnight … KiSeitzei5775

The Chalitza process – KiSeitzei5776

Lashon Hara! Remembering Miryam – Ki Seitzei 5777

Mamzerim – how did it get this bad? – KiSeitzei5778

Riding with Kilayim – how it works and what it means – KiSeitzei5779

Ki Seitzei 5780 – The Evils of War
Ki Seitzei 5781 – Honest Business
Ki Seitzei 5782 – A Clean Break
Ki Seitzei 5783 – ???, ???, ???? – what happened here?
Ki Seitzei 5784: Returning your friend’s soul

Parshas Shoftim

Gates, witnesses, 17-11, making a King, too many horses … Shoftim – 5767

Pilegesh b’Givah, healing the nefesh, magic … Shoftim 5768

Matzeivos, Killing Canaanim, commanding the stars to be “served” … Shoftim 5769

Bribery, the sefer Torah of the King, being scared at war … Shoftim 5770

The power of the stars on the other nations, the worms of Eglah Arufah … Shoftim 5771

Making a King and being Tamim (doing magic vs. going to a navi) … Shoftim5772

Many short divrei Torah… Shoftim5773

When going to war, the kohein speaks to the people … Shoftim5774

Are we allowed to live in Mitzrayim? … Shoftim5775

Listening to stargazers and horoscopes – Shoftim5776

Fruit trees and what we can’t do – Shoftim5777

Worms: Finding a killer (and ghosts as well) – Shoftim5778

The King and the Torah – A Tale of Two Torahs – Shoftim5779

Shoftim 5780 – Do we Really Need Neviim Nowadays?
Shoftim 5781 – Star Programming
Shoftim 5782 – The Rabbis Know All!
Shoftim 5783: More Money, More Wives, More Problems
Shoftim 5784: The Enemy Within