Shmuel Alef – second time around

Perek Alef and the song of Chana – ShmuelAlef5779

Shmuel becomes a Navi – ShmuelAlef57792

Shmuel leads them into battle – ShmuelAlef57793

They want a King – ShmuelAlef57794

Shaul is chosen – ShmuelAlef57795

The first war – and the first mistake – ShmuelAlef57796

Yehonasan wins the war on his own – ShmuelAlef57797

Shaul is taken down – ShmuelAlef57798

Dovid and Gulyas – ShmuelAlef57799

Dovid begins to run away – ShmuelAlef577910

Machar Chodesh and Nov – ShmuelAlef577911

Dovid runs away and is caught twice – ShmuelAlef577912

Naval – he was pretty bad – ShmuelAlef577913

Dovid and Shaul meet for the last time – ShmuelAlef577914

Shaul and the Baalas Ov – ShmuelAlef577915

Dovid destroys Amalek and Shaul dies – ShmuelAlef577916