Divrei Hayamim 2

Shlomo is now King and begins to build the Bais Hamikdash – Divrei Hayamim 2

More on the construction and now the consecration – DivreiHayamim2-2

More about Shlomo Hamelech and his downfall – DivreiHayamim2-3 and DivreiHayamim2-4

Rechavam’s big mistake – DivreiHayamim2-5

End of Rechavam, Abiya, and Assa – DivreiHayamim2-6

The end of Assa’s life and Yehoshafat – DivreiHayamim2-7

Yehoshafat and Achav – Divrei Hayamim2-8

Assa until Asalya and Yoash – DivreiHayamim2-9

Yoash turns bad, and then comes Achaziah – DivreiHayamim2-10

Achaziah, Uzziah, Yosam, and Achaz – DivreiHayamim2-11

The end of evil Achaz and the great Chizkiyahu Hamelech – DivreiHayamim2-12

Chizkiyahu and his challenges with Sancheriv – DivreiHayamim2-13

Menashe, Yoshia finds the sefer Torah – DivreiHayamim2-14